2017 NRO Workshop in Pacific 7-8 September 2018, Moscow, Russia Recommendations from 2017 NRO Workshop in Pacific with a Special Support by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme IPPC Secretariat 7-8 September 2018, Moscow, Russia
Recommendations: NRO Workshop in Pacific NRO automatic reminders: To be also send to IPP editors In chosen languages (English only now) Readjust NPPO Description/Entry points and Pest lists/Legislation as a separate reminder Info about FILES and urls (all urls instead of only broken ones): 4 times/year: less often Possibility to archive obsolete reports (not visible but no deleted) Data display of latest uploaded reports on the IPP front page Possibility to subscribe to alerts/notifications for reports from chosen region Country page: add link to NRO Guide
Your feedback Your feedback to the IPPC Secretariat on recommendations from the Pacific Workshop Any new recommendations from the Moscow Workshop?
Contacts IPPC Secretariat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Tel.: +39-0657054812 Email: IPPC@fao.org Dorota Buzon, NRO Programme Officer: dorota.buzon@fao.org Paola Sentinelli, IPPC Knowledge Manager: paola.sentinelli@fao.org Websites: www.fao.org www.ippc.int