The Cuban Missile Crisis Kevin Bartell -AND- Brian Papenheim
Description of Topic -and- Why it was chosen A 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba by the Soviet government. Chosen because it was a pivotal moment in the Cold War that has many good sources.
Bellringer: Source #1
Source 1 What do you see? (close reading) Who are the men in the cartoon? (close reading) What do the initials stand for? (close reading) What does this cartoon symbolize? (close reading) When do you think this cartoon was made? (contextualizing) Where do you think this cartoon was made? (sourcing) What important events inspired the creation of this source? (contextualizing)
Sources 2 & 3
Sources 2 & 3 For each document: What do you notice about this document? (close reading) What is the subject? (close reading) Who do you think the author was? (sourcing) Who do you think it was sent to? (contextualizing) For both documents: What similarities and/or differences do you notice? (corroboration) What do you know about this subject based on the sources?
Exit Ticket: Source 4
Source 4 What do you see? (close reading) Who are the men in the cartoon? (close reading) What is the opinion represented by this cartoon? (close reading) When do you think this cartoon was made? (contextualizing) What similarities and/or differences do you notice compared to the first cartoon? (corroborating) Create a title for this political cartoon.
Assessment: Students will draw their own political cartoon on a Cold War topic of their choice, depicting the relationship between the USA & USSR from a global perspective (example provided using a different topic)