By Aiyana Exothermic reactions release energy They are hot and may steam Exothermic Reactions Formula of reaction: 2 Al( s ) + 3 Br 2 ( l ) --> 2 AlBr 3 ( s ) (Aluminum and liquid Bromine)
Endothermic Reaction Endothermic reaction absorb energy They feel very cold Formula for reaction: H2O + Ammonium Nitrate H2OAN (Water and ammonium Nitrate )
Synthesis In a synthesis reaction two or more chemicals bond together forming one new substance. Generic formula: A + B AB Formula for reaction: 2K (s) + Cl 2(g) 2KCl (s ) (This is potassium chloride and chlorine gas)
Decomposition In a decomposition reaction one substance breaks down into two or more separate substances Generic Formula: AB A + B Formula of Reaction: 2 HgO 2 Hg + O2 (Oxygen and Mercury)
Single Replacement In a single replacement reaction one element knocks another element out of a compound. Generic Formula: AB + X AX + B Formula of Reaction: Zn + 2HCl H2 + ZnCl2 (Zinc and Hydrochloric acid)
Double Replacement In a double replacement the two compounds switch ions with each other Generic formula: AB + XY AX + BY Formula for reaction: 2KI(aq) + Pb(NO 3 ) 2 (aq) 2KNO 3 (aq) +PbI(s) (Potassium iodine and lead and nitrogen oxygen)
Combustion A combustion reaction is when a compound burns in oxygen gas Oxygen will always be a reactant Generic formula: A + O2 Formula for reaction: CH > CO2 + 2H2O (Carbon hydrogen and oxygen)
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