What is the Competency Framework? Published in January 2017 Broad-based - applies to all models of school governance from small schools to large MATs Best considered as a ‘clarification of governance expectations’ “Boards will need to consider which knowledge and skill areas outlined in the framework are most important for their context.”
What is the Competency Framework? Grouped into 6 sections – the Features of Effective Governance 16 competencies – each is broken down into a set of knowledge, skills and effective behaviours. Underpinning the framework are the Principles and Personal Attributes that all individuals bring to the board
The Features of Effective Governance: 1. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP 2. ACCOUNTABILITY These two relate to the three core functions of school governance.
The link to the Core Functions of Governance Strategic Leadership = Core Function 1: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. Accountability = Core Functions 2 & 3: Holding the executive leaders to account for the performance of the school and its staff. Overseeing financial performance and ensuring it’s money well-spent.
Features of Effective Governance: 3. PEOPLE 4. STRUCTURES These relate to the effective organisation of governance.
The Features of Effective Governance: 5. COMPLIANCE 6. EVALUATION These relate to ensuring & improving the quality of governance.
Feature 1: Strategic Leadership Effective boards provide confident, strategic leadership to their organisations; they set and champion vision, ethos and strategy, lead by example and ‘set the tone from the top’. The competencies are: 1a Setting direction 1b Culture, values and ethos 1c Decision-making 1d Collaborative working with stakeholders and partners. 1e Risk management What does this look like for us?
1a Setting Strategic Direction Questions you could consider: How does the board monitor the school’s progress towards achieving the strategic goals? How well does the board stay strategic vs becoming operational? Can you champion the reasons for any up-coming changes? Can you explain how these changes will benefit the school community?
1b Culture, Values and Ethos Questions you could consider: How does the board make sure that policies and practice are in line with the school’s distinctive characteristics, culture, values and ethos? How well does the board’s own activity embody the culture, values and ethos of the school?
1c Decision Making Questions you could consider: How does the board identify those options that are likely to best achieve the school’s goals? How well do you recognise when the board needs external advice? How are decisions recorded and shared with stakeholders?
1d Collaborative working with stakeholders and partners Questions you could consider: How does the board seek and respond to the views of the pupils, staff, parents and other stakeholders? How well does the board work in partnership with other organisations? How does the board support and challenge the school leaders to raise aspiration and promote community cohesion?
1e Risk Management Questions you could consider: Has the board identified the main risks facing the school, and what contingency measures are in place to mitigate these risks? Are there sufficiently robust internal control systems? How well does the board avoid and manage potential conflicts of interest?
Feature 2: Accountability The competencies that the board needs to deliver its core functions of holding executive leaders to account for the educational and financial performance of the organisation are: 2a Educational improvement 2b Rigorous analysis of data 2c Financial frameworks and accountability 2d Financial management and monitoring. 2e Staffing and performance management How well do you support and challenge?
Feature 2: Accountability The competencies that the board needs to deliver its core functions of holding executive leaders to account for the educational and financial performance of the organisation are: 2a Educational improvement 2b Rigorous analysis of data 2c Financial frameworks and accountability 2d Financial management and monitoring. 2e Staffing and performance management How well are you monitoring the in-school, in-year pupil progress data - for different groups of pupils?
Feature 2: Accountability The last competency in this section is external accountability: This is about managing the school’s relationship with those who have a formal or informal role in holding the school to account. It’s about the board using its skills and knowledge confidently and effectively under scrutiny - being accountable for delivery of the strategic plan, for its own decision-making and for its oversight of the executive leaders. What does this look like for us?
Feature 3: People How effectively do you build and manage your team? These are the skills and behaviours necessary to ensure effective relationships and dynamics around the table. The aim is to foster a learning culture where constructive challenge is welcomed; thinking is diverse; a variety of experiences and perspectives are welcomed; and continuous improvement is the norm. How effectively do you build and manage your team? What is the role of the Chair of your board?
Feature 3: People Question to consider: What is your succession plan for the Chair?
Feature 4: Structures Considering the board’s: This is about having clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Understanding and designing the structures through which governance takes place is vital - to avoid unclear and overlapping responsibilities that can lead to dysfunctional or ineffective governance arrangements. Considering the board’s: Committees and individuals assigned to roles Scheme(s) of delegation / Terms of Reference What does this look like for us?
Feature 4: Structures Questions you could consider: Is it clear when and how decision making is delegated to a committee or individual? And, where responsibility for decisions is delegated, how are the outcomes reported to the board?
Feature 5: Compliance What does this look like for us? All those involved in governance need to understand the legal frameworks and context in which the organisation operates and all of the requirements with which it must comply. E.g. Safeguarding SEND and Equality duty Health & Safety Financial / Company law What does this look like for us? What is the role of the clerk to our board?
Feature 5: Compliance Questions you could consider: Have all board members undertaken safeguarding training for governors? Are you all familiar with your whistleblowing policy?
Feature 6: Evaluation What does this look like for us? The board needs to assess its effectiveness and efficiency and ensure ongoing compliance with its statutory and legal duties under review. Individuals should also reflect on their own contribution, helping to create a stronger and more motivated board. What does this look like for us? What might be the role of the Chair, and the clerk?
Principles and Personal Attributes The principles and personal attributes that individuals bring to the board are as important as their skills and knowledge. Committed Confident Curious Challenging Collaborative Critical Creative How does your board’s Code of Conduct set expectations?
Next steps? What will be your next steps, as a board, to improve your practice? Any questions??