M. Ohlerich, A. Raspiareza, W. Lohmann DESY and MPI Munich


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Presentation transcript:

M. Ohlerich, A. Raspiareza, W. Lohmann DESY and MPI Munich Study of the process e+e- Zh l+l- X using full detector simulation and event reconstruction M. Ohlerich, A. Raspiareza, W. Lohmann DESY and MPI Munich 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Motivation l - Higgs strahlungs process: Higgs Recoil Mass Coupling Strength (model independent) Z l + H 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

cross section expectation, SM mh=120 GeV see also the talk by F. Richard at the MDI sessions 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Method and Tools Whizard, Pythia BHWIDE Mokka Marlin / MarlinReco Generated Events Beamstrahlung, ISR, FSR Full Detector Simulation Full Reconstruction of isolated Leptons dilepton Reconstruction Higgs Recoil mass 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

MethParticle Identification simple approach ... E(total) E(ECAL) > Threshold E(ECAL) < Threshold E(total) charged hadron, muon with Track electron/positron without Track photon neutral hadron improved approach … Likelihood method for each neutral and charged particles 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Likelihood Method take M quantities normalize histrograms for N particle types create probability density functions Likelihood function for a certain particle type 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Momentum Resolution Tracking with TPC only Full LDC Tracking 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

Invariant Dilepton Mass from e+e- from μ+μ- 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Recoil Mass Spectra Different CMS energies Different tracking performance Full LDC tracking and at the maximum of the Cross section L = 500 fb-1 mrecoil = 120.245±0.0162 GeV 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing background processes cross section Generator 244.6 fb PYTHIA 6.302 (100%) 2.179 pb PYTHIA 6.302 (100%) PYTHIA 6.302 2.63 pb (15%) 914.1 fb BHWIDE (3.7%) PYTHIA 6.302 2.179 pb (not fully processed yet) 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

Signal + Backgorund, ee and μμ separated cuts: WW and ee scaled from low statistics! 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Signal + Background ee and μμ combined Uncertainty on the cross section: 7 % Uncertainty on the mass ~70 MeV 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing

ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing Still to do increase background statistics of missing background, e.g. 5/1/2019 ACFA Linear Collider Workshop, Beijing