Planning Advisory Committee Orientation February 19th , 2019
The Planning Division Administers the land use planning process in addition to addressing matters related to growth and development within the boundaries of the City of Cornwall. The orientation will cover the following topics: P.A.C. - Planning Advisory Committee The Planning Act The Provincial Policy Statement City of Cornwall Official Plan Official Plan Amendments City of Cornwall Zoning By-law Zoning By-law Amendments & Minor Variances Site Plan Control Plans of Subdivision and Condominium The Waterfront Plan
Planning Advisory Committee - PAC The Planning Advisory Committee is appointed by City Council under the authority granted by the Province of Ontario in the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 13 for the purposes of providing Council with recommendations specific to community planning matters, development applications and policies. The Planning Advisory Committee makes recommendations to City Council on a variety of planning applications such as plans of subdivision, condominiums, rezoning applications, and amendments to the Official Plan.
The Planning Act The Planning Act (the Act) is provincial legislation that sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario. It describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them. The purpose of the Act for example is to: promote sustainable economic development in a healthy natural environment within a provincial policy framework provide for a land use planning system led by provincial policy provide for planning processes that are fair by making them open, accessible, timely and efficient encourage co-operation and coordination among various interests
City of Cornwall Official Plan The Planning Act City of Cornwall Official Plan
The Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS) applies province wide and contains overall policy directions on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The PPS promotes a policy-led planning system that recognizes there are complex inter-relationships among and between environmental, economic and social factors in land use planning. 3 main pillars of the PPS: Protecting Public Health & Safety Wise Use & Management of Resources Building Strong Communities
City of Cornwall Official Plan An Official Plan is a long range planning and policy document that directs growth and development within the city based on the direction of Council, local context, community input, and provincial policies.
City of Cornwall Official Plan The City of Cornwall’s Official Plan was recently adopted by City Council on October 23rd, 2017 and approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 11th, 2018. All development matters must conform with the City’s Official Plan and be consist with the PPS. The Official Plan provides strategic direction and a policy framework for Council, administration, developers, and citizens for: Growth and Land Use Designations Housing Parks and Recreation Waterfront Planning Economic Development Urban Design Transportation Services and Utilities Arts, Culture, Heritage Resources Sustainable Development & The Environment
Official Plan Amendments An official plan amendment is a formal application that changes a municipality's Official Plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or because of requests made by property owners. For example: A property has recently been severed and sold to a developer. The area is designated as ‘GC’ or General Commercial in the Official Plan, which does not support their intent to introduce mixed use apartments and town houses. They must receive approval for an Official Plan Amendment to change the designation from General Commercial Urban Residential. Planning Advisory Committee would consider the following when reviewing an amendment: Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement Achievement of the strategic directions of the Official Plan Impact on the neighbouring communities Fiscal and functional impact on infrastructure, services and transportation
City of Cornwall Zoning By-law A zoning by-law: implements the objectives and policies of a municipality's official plan provides a legal way of managing land use and future development in addition to the official plan, protects the community from conflicting and possibly dangerous land uses. A zoning by-law controls the use of land in our community. It states exactly: how land may be used where buildings and other structures can be located the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.
Zoning By-law Amendment & Minor Variance If a proposed development is not in accordance with the Zoning By-law, a Zoning By-law amendment, also known as a rezoning, is required. For example, a Zoning By-law amendment may: Request a change of land use from residential to commercial to permit a development with stores and restaurants, instead of residential homes Seek more units or height for a building than what is permitted For minor amendments to the Zoning By-law, a minor variance application may be more appropriate. Minor variances are reviewed by the Committee of Adjustment. Minor variances can include matters such as: A decrease in the setback from building to property line Approval of smaller lots for development An increase in the lot coverage of the building Reductions in the amount of required parking for a development
Site Plan Approval Site Plan Approval is a method of reviewing development proposals through a comprehensive process involving multiple City Divisions as well as outside agencies, which may include: Raisin Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Transportation, utility companies, First Nations, etc. Site Plan Control generally applies to most major developments within the City of Cornwall and is approved by administration. Site Plan Control is a means through which the City can direct and influence the physical form and functionality of the exterior elements of a development site based on established policies and design guidelines. For example: Massing and orientation of buildings, landscape design, pedestrian access & traffic circulation, parking areas, engineering & servicing requirements, lighting, signage, fire safety, etc.
Plans of Subdivision The Subdivision process allows land to be divided in a comprehensive manner, often requiring the creation of public streets, multiple lots, and the need for extensive infrastructure. The division of land is generally subject to a public process ensuring that provincial interests and local planning concerns - as expressed in the Official Plan - are satisfied. The larger the number of lots being created, the more complex the considerations in the planning approval process will generally be. This might include: Environmental conditions of the land Natural & Cultural Heritage impacts Engineering & Servicing constraints Transportation & Traffic impacts Community amenities such as location of schools, parks, and pedestrian connections The approval authority (PAC) must approve a plan of subdivision pursuant to the Planning Act before the plan can be registered at the Land Registry Office and the individual parcels sold off for construction.
Plans of Condominium A condominium can be a high-rise or low-rise apartment, townhouse, freehold or detached house, office complex or commercial mall – any configuration of buildings. What sets a condominium apart is the way in which owners share the ownership of common elements (e.g., parking areas, roads and sidewalks, corridors, lobbies, elevators, heat and electrical systems) while having individual ownership of their own unit. Similar to a Plan of Subdivision, a Plan of Condominium must be approved by PAC before it can be registered and would undergo the same type of review encompassing many of the same considerations.
The Waterfront Plan The City of Cornwall’s Waterfront Plan is a secondary plan established to direct the future of one of Cornwall’s greatest assets. A secondary plan is a plan which provides specific policies for an area of the City where more detailed direction is needed for matters beyond the general framework provided by the Official Plan. The Waterfront Plan is currently being updated and should be complete by early summer 2019.