Sample Employee Presentation Permanent Life Insurance Program with Living Benefits for Long Term Care Expenses Sample Employee Presentation Welcome to the Trustmark Universal Life insurance Presentation. An alternative way to fund long term care expenses while still providing life insurance benefits.
See The Advantages LTCi verses Dual Purpose Life Insurance Long Term Care Insurance 1) Pays for Long Term Care Expenses Dual Purpose Life Insurance Provides life insurance death benefits 2. Provides living benefits for long-term care. Freedom of choice on how long care benefits are spent. Benefits directly paid to the policyholder or guardian. 3. Cash accumulation Before we review the 7 to 1 advantage slide, I have a fact I want to share, 40% of people receiving long term care are under 65 as reported by Genworth, in the 2015 Expanding Circle of Care report. You see this type of life insurance is for all ages. Let’s get back on track. So, why ARE Americans choosing dual purpose life insurance to fund potential long term care expenses. It is really quite simple. Dual purpose life insurance has a 7 to 1 advantage over traditional long term care insurance. With long term care insurance, it is “Use it or Lose it.” Now with the Dual Purpose Life Insurance from Transamerica Life Insurance Company, the policy provides death benefits, accelerated death benefits for long term care expenses, Provides you with the freedom of choice on long term benefits are spent. The policy has cash accumulation, Provides paid up life insurance options that can be customized to your personal financial situation if you reach age 100, Transamerica pay you the face amount of the policy minus any loans from the cash value that you may taken and lastly, and probably the most important, Premium stability. In summary, owning the TransElite Universal Life Insurance policy provides many more advantages than the “use it or lose it” long term care insurance policies. Use it or lose it. 4. Paid-up life insurance option, assuming cash build-up 5. Pays life insurance policy amount at age 100, minus any withdrawals 6. Premium Stability
Downward Trend for LTCi LTCi companies reported sales of individual long term care insurance polices. (NAIC Center for Insurance Policy and Research) The latest major study by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners reported a rapidly declining trend in the purchase of new long-term care insurance policies. It is estimated that in 2018, only 70 to 75,000 long term care policies will be sold in the US according to the American Association of Long Term Care Insurance. So what are Americans purchasing to fund potential long term care expenses in the future?
Shift to Dual Purpose Life Insurance for Funding Long-term Care Expenses. 3,500 New Premium Sales 3,000 2,500 2,000 $Millions Traditional LTC Hybrid LTC 1,500 1,000 500 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Calendar Year Premiums for hybrid life insurance plans have exceeded traditional LTC Insurance plans for long term care expense funding. Sources: 2001-2014 Broker World Surveys and LIMRA’s Individual Long-term Care and Life Combo Products Annual Reviews Dual purpose life insurance is the answer. Since 2011, there has been a monumental increase in the number of individual dual purpose life insurance polices purchased. It is projected by the American Association of Long Term Care Insurance, that over 800,000 individual dual purpose life insurance policies will be sold in the U.S. This number DOES NOT include dual purpose life insurance policies that will be purchased through group sponsored plans.
How will I receive my long-term care benefits? If You Need Long Term Care You are unable to perform 2 of the 6 activities of daily living or have a cognitive impairment. Transferring Bathing Toileting Continence Eating Dressing 4% of the Life Insurance Face Amount is Paid Monthly for Up to 25 Months Example: The policy would pay $4,000 a month for 25 months for all levels of care after the 90 day elimination period. Premiums are waived during claim. Life Insurance Purchased Example: $100,000 What Happens if You Die While Receiving Long Term Care Benefits Example: If $36,000 was used, your beneficiaries would receive $64,000 If Death Occurs Example: You die and $100,000 is paid to your beneficiaries. What If You Still Need Care After 25 Months? Now let’s discuss owning a TransElite Universal Life Policy and how it works. Let’s follow this simple flowchart. A $100,000 Policy is purchased and the insured passes away. Like most life insurance polices, the beneficiaries will receive $100,000 of life insurance proceeds. However, what if long-term care is needed? When an insured is unable to perform 2 out of the 6 activities of daily living (Transferring, bathing, toileting, eating, dressing or continence) or suffers from cognitive impairment, the policy will begin a payout after a 90 day elimination period and premiums will be waived. After qualifying for the long term care benefit, the policy would pay 4% of the insurance face amount for 25 months. In this example, the policy would pay $4,000 per month. One of the many important features of this Policy, is that the monthly payment is paid to the policyholder, not to the facility or home health care agency. As the policyholder, you are able to use these funds for any level of care you wish, for example: make your home handicapped accessible, pay for respite care for a loved one that is taking care you, have your lawn mowed or house cleaned, basically anything YOU deem necessary for your care. So….. what Happens if You Die While Receiving Long Term Care benefits? Any used death benefit will paid to your beneficiaries. In this example, $34,000 was distributed for care. The remaining $64,000 of the $100,000 life insurance will be paid out. Now, …..What if you still needed care after the first 25 months of payments? Included in the policy is the extension of benefits rider that will provide another $4,000 per month for up to 25 months. When death occurs either during the extension rider benefit period, a life insurance amount will be paid to your designated beneficiaries equal to 25% of the original life insurance policy. Therefore, in this example of purchasing a $100,000 life insurance policy, the monthly payments cease or have been exhausted but the beneficiaries would receive a policy worth $25,000 in death benefits. If all the components of the policy were triggered, the total payout on this example would be $225,000. $225,000 in total benefits! Then the Extension of Benefits Rider is Activated Giving up to an Additional 25 Months of Coverage and a Life Insurance Equal to 25% of the original death benefit. Example: The policy would pay $4,000 a month for up to 25 months for all levels of care and 25% of the original death benefit would be paid to designated beneficiaries.
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