Roles and Responsibilities PRESIDENT-ELECT Roles and Responsibilities Good morning and congratulations on all of you being selected by your club to serve as your club’s president. This is really a great opportunity to serve your club and community and it comes with a lot of responsibility. The members in your club have confidence in your leadership and dedication to Rotary. I know none of you want to let them down. Your club is depending on you. Everyone who has ever been selected to serve as the president of their Rotary Club really wants to be the best president their club has ever had; they want to down in history as the most beloved, effective, innovated, creative president the club has ever known. Just by being here at PETS, you are well on your way to being just that person. You have taken the first step in learning just what you need to do to have a successful year. I have been asked to briefly go over the roles and responsibilities that you have right at this moment as the President-Elect of your club. I know some of you are thinking, ‘wait, I signed on to start on July 1st. What do you mean, I have things that I am responsible for now?’ The answer is yes. If you want to be the best president your club has ever seen, you need to start now. Now is the time to plan for your year so that when July 1st comes around, you are prepared and the year will be a whole lot smoother. Think about it, there are very few positions a person can walk into without any thought or preparation and do a great job. PDG Tamie Babb District 5750 2011 PETS Stillwater, Oklahoma
Rotary International Rotary International has done a great job getting materials to you to help you prepare for your new position. The Club President’s Manual is a great tool to use and in fact, on pages 4-5 of the manual, there is a complete outline on what your roles and responsibilities are as president elect.
SECRETS TO A SUCCESSFUL YEAR AS A ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT Now, I know you all can read the manual so instead of going over what is listed, I thought I would do something a little different. I want to give you something that will really help you. I want to give you the secrets to a successful year as your club president because this is what being a president elect is all about; it’s about preparing for your year as president. If you do these things before your year starts, you are sure to have a rewarding, successful year leading your club.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Review the Club President Manual (page 4-5) and the by-laws of your club. Start preparing for your years as president now, during your PE year.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Learn everything you can about your club. Attend the board meetings; participate in all committee meetings as an ex officio member; know what projects your club participates in; understand what the membership trends are in your club. Know what the club secretary and treasurer is responsible for. Before you can set any goals, you have to know where your club is currently.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Analyze everything. Really be critical. Analyze everything: Really be critical
Analysis Projects : do you want to keep the current projects your club participates in? Are there projects that need to be retired? (Bean Dinner). Can you identify a new service project that may motivate and energize members to participate? Is there an international project you would like to get involved in?
Analysis Projects Fundraisers Do you need a fundraiser to fund projects? Are the fundraisers currently effective? Are they fun or too time intensive?
Analysis Projects Fundraisers Foundation Support Where does your club stand in relation to giving to the Rotary Foundation? Remember, this is where the money comes to fund all the worthwhile projects in the world such as clean water, literacy, and health. Without Foundation giving, Rotary will not be able to continue all the great things it does improving humanity. Are all your members sustaining members? Does your club participate in Foundation activities such as GSE.
Analysis Projects Fundraisers Foundation Support Membership What has been the trend in membership over the past 5 years? Is your club membership growing, declining or stagnant? Does the membership represent the demographics of your community? What is your goal for membership? How do you plan to reach that goal? We are all asked to increase membership every year. Without members, there will be no Rotary.
Analysis Projects Fundraisers Foundation Support Membership Attendance Do all of your members meet the minimum requirement for attendance? If not, is there a mechanism in place to ensure this happens?
Analysis Projects Fundraisers Foundation Support Membership Attendance Meeting Format Do you want to change what is included during the meeting. Maybe you would like to change the order. Do you want to continue singing? Is your meeting fun? Are the programs worthwhile? Decide what you want to keep, remove, or change.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Analyze everything. Really be critical. Set goals Once you have analyzed everything in your club, you are now in a position to set goals. Where do you want to see your club at the end of your year as club president? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to maintain the status quo or do you have big plans? Look again at everything and determine what your goals are going to be. Think about membership, Rotary Foundation giving, community and international service projects, fundraisers, attendance, public relations. Is there a new project that you want your club to participate in? Once your goals are set, you can now develop a plan to get there.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Analyze everything. Really be critical. Set goals. Choose your leadership team. Determine who will be on your team to help you achieve your goals. When thinking about this your goal should be to develop future leaders, find effective, dedicated committee chairs and administrative leaders. Make sure you get input from your predecessors.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Analyze everything. Really be critical. Set goals. Choose your leadership team. Ensure continued training. PETS, district assembly, district conference.
ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES Review the Club Presidents Manual and your club’s by-laws. Learn everything you can about your club. Analyze everything. Really be critical. Set goals. Choose your leadership team. Ensure continued training. Utilize District leadership. Get to know the district leadership: district governor, assistant governor and district committee chairs. These are the people to turn to for any questions or help you may need.
PLAN, PLAN, AND PLAN With adequate preparation and planning before your year as president begins, you are well on your way to being the best president you club has ever seen. I know all of you will do a great job leading your club.
PDG Tamie Babb District 5750 Governor 2009 – 2010 918.640.7748