What is the PRESS? 2
The PRESS Consistent with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and its call for aligned and harmonized aid to developing countries, the PRESS provides : a tool for improved collaboration among providers of development co-operation supporting statistical development a snapshot of ongoing statistical support reported by partners, answering the questions of who, what, where and how much ?
The PRESS aims to Learn what development partners are doing in the statistical field and identify countries or areas of statistics in need of more support. Offer this information to financial and technical partners responsible for giving aid and to countries receiving it. Raise the profile of statistics within the overall context of aid to developing countries.
Results from PRESS 2011 5
Comparison of Global Estimated Commitments over Past Four PRESS Rounds Results from PRESS 2011 Results from PRESS 2011 Comparison of Global Estimated Commitments over Past Four PRESS Rounds Despite the recent financial crisis, figures from the PRESS suggest that global estimated commitments to statistical development have actually increased.
Commitments (US$ millions) Results from PRESS 2011 Results from PRESS 2011 Estimated Annual Commitments, by Geographical Region & Percentage of Global Total, Pre-2009–2011 Region Commitments (US$ millions) % Pre-2009 2009 2010 2011 Grand Total Africa 338.00 131.45 110.79 87.74 667.98 41% Asia-Pacific 183.24 39.37 158.85 94.45 475.91 29% Europe 54.08 16.68 31.73 1.09 103.58 6% Latin America and Caribbean 101.12 9.36 9.96 54.38 174.82 11% Unallocated 86.73 94.97 15.96 12.60 210.27 13% Total 763.17 291.84 327.29 250.27 1,632.57 100%
Active Commitments, By Recipient, 2009–11 Results from PRESS 2011
Results from PRESS 2011 Aid Concentration Estimated Commitments to Main Recipient Countries, 2009–11 Recipient Country Total Commitments (US$ thousands) India 107,297 Rwanda 71,474 Indonesia 65,375 Tanzania 64,153 Bolivia 63,558 Afghanistan 54,956 Uganda 49,281 Nigeria 40,182 Kenya 39,826 Mozambique 33,737 Ukraine 32,730 China 30,398 Pakistan 29,979 Albania 27,427 Haiti 25,724 Commitments to these 15 countries combined to equal 45% of total estimated commitments worldwide and 62% of total country-specific commitments.
Aid Alignment with NSDS Results from PRESS 2011 Aid Alignment with NSDS Aligned? % of responses Yes 52% No 3% Don’t Know 27% No answer 18% NB: To understand these figures, one must recognise that 85% of PRESS countries in Africa are either implementing or designing an NSDS, 72% in Asia-Pacific, 56% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 100% in Europe.
From PRESS to CRESS 11
From PRESS to CRESS Reminder: Based on the PRESS experience conducted at the international level, PARIS21 has launched a pilot exercise named CRESS (Country Report on Support to Statistics) at the country level. The CRESS is a country-led exercise to gather all data relating to the funding of the entire NSS whether deriving from national resources or donor support. 12
CRESS Objectives The ultimate objective is to improve efficiency of the NSS through a better co-ordination and better information sharing. The CRESS should help: inform policymakers and financial and technical partners (FTPs) of the volume of support to statistics; provide information useful to strengthening and improving co-ordination; identify the needs in terms of financing statistics including statistical capacity development; monitor the financing of FTPs; and serve as an important input into NSDS design/updating. 13
Piloting the CRESS Current work: Pilots in Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Malawi. Senegal is conducting a full PER on statistics (with WB support). PARIS21 advising on CRESS component. Secretariat providing concept note, template questionnaire, guidance, database development. Results in early 2012. 14