Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Thursday 28 February 2019 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
College Open Days There are Open Days at college for pupils who are selecting a college course as one of their options. You should see your Pupil Support Leader for further information. Miss Bones
Jobs Roadshow Reminder that there are spaces available for the Jobs Roadshow next week for any S4,5,6 pupils leaving school. Please collect a form from Mr Harris if you would like to attend. Mr Harris
School Show All School Show Members! A reminder that there is a 2 hour rehearsal today from 3.45pm until 5.45pm in the assembly hall. Senior Show Team
Senior Supported Study A reminder that Senior Supported Study is in G225 from 3.30-4.30pm, Mon-Thurs until Easter. This is a quiet space to study. All seniors welcome. Mr Harris
Supported Study Room The Supported Study classroom is not available to S6 pupils at lunchtimes! Mrs Dobson
Higher Psychology Course Meeting 9.30am on Wednesday 6 March in Miss Bones’ Office for the following pupils: Alex Wood, Monica Megwa & Roxy Cumming. The Prelim is likely to run from 9.30am to 12.10pm on Wednesday 27 March. If this is a problem, please see Miss Bones as soon as possible.