2016 Pedestrian Plan Introduction
2016 Pedestrian Plan Update The purpose of the Pedestrian Plan is to serve as a compliment to the existing Bicycle Plan as a part of an overall Multimodal Plan for Hidalgo County. The newest version of the Pedestrian Plan is an update from the 2014 Pedestrian Plan.
Content of the Pedestrian Plan Background The Public Outreach Process Design Guidance – AASHTO Analysis of Existing Conditions Crash and Safety Data Funding Sources Plan Recommendations Maps
Public Outreach Process
Public Outreach Process
Public Outreach Process
Design Guidance
Analysis of Existing Conditions & Crash Data Currently Updating our 2015 Crash Data Currently Updating our Business Locations Map Updating Pedestrian Network
Plan Recommendations 5 E’s Engineering Education Enforcement Encouragement Evaluation
Questions? Jon Ray Bocanegra Transportation Planner I Hidalgo County MPO jbocanegra@hcmpo.org (956) 969 - 5778