Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics Developing a comprehensive and coherent EU strategy to measure crime and criminal justice Progress report on the EU Action Plan 2006-2010 Agenda point 4.3: 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics
The Action Plan Commission Communication 2006: defines activities & milestones for developing information on crime and criminal justice DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) responsible for implementation, with tasks for Eurostat Work under Theme 1.10 of the Statistical Work Programme Review of actions so far ongoing – to be presented to the Council at the end of 2009 Action Plan to expire end of 2010, so a follow-up strategy needed 24-25 September 2009
Collaboration with statistical authorities Network of national contact points initially nominated by statistical authorities:half are in the statistical offices; remainder in other government departments (Ministries of Justice, Interior, etc.) CIRCA site on Crime Statistics contains all background material, meeting documents, etc. Annual Working Group meetings held in 2007, 2008, 2009 Task Force meetings have also been organised on specific topics : Victimisation (2007 and 2009) Money-laundering (2008) 24-25 September 2009
Collection and publication of data Annual figures to Eurostat on police-reported crime, numbers of prisoners and numbers of police Data are published on Eurostat website and in Statistics in Focus (3 so far) Other ‘new crime types’ areas where statistics to be covered (cyber-crime, corruption, fraud, terrorism, sexual exploitation, etc) Less easy to obtain and definitions are needed Start made with money-laundering (data collected 2008 and 2009) 24-25 September 2009
Victimisation Task Force 2007 drew up a proposed victimisation survey module for testing A call for proposals was launched by Eurostat in August 2007 17 grant agreements were signed to translate the proposed module into national languages and test in both laboratory and fieldwork environment These pilot exercises will end by beginning of 2010 The project is being monitored by a team of international experts The next task force on victimisation April 2010 will examine the results and propose further steps 24-25 September 2009
Future challenges Development of an internationally-accepted classification of crime types Improved national systems for collecting data on 'non-traditional' types of crime A survey instrument to provide internationally-comparable information on victimisation 24-25 September 2009