Adjective: Neatly and Stylishly dressed. Dapper Adjective: Neatly and Stylishly dressed.
Noun: A flaw or shortcoming Verb: To desert ones country. Defect Noun: A flaw or shortcoming Verb: To desert ones country.
Defer Verb: To put off or postpone, to yield courteously to the wishes of someone else.
Adjective: In very low spirits. Dejected Adjective: In very low spirits.
Verb: To strike out or remove Delete Verb: To strike out or remove
Delineate Verb: To make an accurate line drawing or diagram of; to portray or describe in detail.
Delinquent Adjective: Neglectful of a duty or obligation, seriously overdue. Noun: A person who fails to perform a duty; an offender.
Verb: To mislead or deceive. Delude Verb: To mislead or deceive.
Adjective: Modest and reserved in dress, manner, or behavior. Demure Adjective: Modest and reserved in dress, manner, or behavior.
Dénouement Noun: The point at which the plot of a novel is finally resolved; the outcome or solution.
Desultory Adjective: Shifting from one thing to the another without reason or purpose; haphazard or random.
Deviate Verb: To move away from, especially what is considered normal, right, or acceptable.
Adjective: Empty; lacking in. Devoid Adjective: Empty; lacking in.
Adjective: Deeply religious, earnest, or sincere. Devout Adjective: Deeply religious, earnest, or sincere.
Adjective: Skillful in using ones hands or mind. Clever. Dexterous Adjective: Skillful in using ones hands or mind. Clever.