WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT The replacement statement is intended for those who, for whatever reason, did not receive a Bank of America statement for a given month. This is not intended to be used every month. If you do not receive a statement for two (2) consecutive months please contact purchasing so we can verify the mailing address associated with your card.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT Once you have signed on to WORKS you will be running a spend report for the month of the missing statement. The report will look nothing like your statement, but will contain all of the transactions for that reporting period.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT To run this spend report click on Standard Reports Then click on Personal Report The Spend Report the spend report box will appear. Click this box. Continue….
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT The personal reports list will appear. Click on My Memo Statement. Continue….
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT Note the spit screen at the bottom of the page. You will need to set the dates for the period of the statement. Please keep in mind the monthly statement runs from the 5 th of the month to the 4 th of the next month. Example: Julys statement is from July 5 th through August 4 th, and so on for each month. Click on the Date Button.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT If you need to run a report to replace a July statement you never received, set the date parameters as shown. This is the same process for any month you require a replacement receipt. Once you have the dates configured click the Finish Button.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT Please verify that the dates are correct for the month of the statement. If these are not the dates you require, please repeat the previous page. If the date is good click Card
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT If you are the person managing your card you will have one (1) card to chose from. If you are a person assigned to managing numerous cards you will find a list of cardholders to choose from. Select the person with the missing statement and click finish.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT The cardholders name will appear beside the card button! You are now ready to run the report. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on PDF button. This will create a PDF document for your statement. You must hold the CTRL key through the whole process.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT The printout will look like this. This report will contain all of your transactions for that reporting period or month. There are no signature lines on the report. Print out the report and attach your receipts to it. Put both signatures in the free space below the data and turn it in to the Bursar.
WORKS REPLACEMENT STATEMENT If you have any problems running the report please let Terry Fryman know at ext or by . Please remember that this is only to be used for the occasional missing statement. If you have consecutive months with a missing statement, verify the mailing address with Purchasing.