Economic Policy and Market Regulation Part 3 Dr. Stefan Kooths BiTS Berlin (winter term 2013/2014)
Introduction and Overview Outline Introduction and Overview Market Mechanisms and Government Interventions Externalities and Public Goods Technological externalities Public goods and common resources Competition Policy and Regulation Ordoliberalism and the Social Market Economy Summary: The Key Lessons Learnt
Technological vs. pecuniary externalities
Positive externalities: Private and social utility
Negative externalities: Private and social cost
Policy instruments: Incentive-based vs. command-and-control
Criteria: Static efficiency, dynamic efficiency, and effectiveness
Moral suasion
Public orders
Pigou-taxes/subsidies Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877—1959)
Cap-and-trade (example: pollution permits)
Bargaining: The Coase theorem Ronald Coase (1910—2013)
Introduction and Overview Outline Introduction and Overview Market Mechanisms and Government Interventions Externalities and Public Goods Technological externalities Public goods and common resources Competition Policy and Regulation Ordoliberalism and the Social Market Economy Summary: The Key Lessons Learnt
Classification of goods: Excludability and rivalry Classification matrix Rivalry? yes no Excludability? Private good Club good Quasi-public good Public good
Private vs. collective goods: Aggregating individual demand
Non-excludability: The free-rider problem
Managing collective goods: Quantities, prices, and willingness to pay
Providing public goods: Cost-benefit analysis
The Tragedy of the Commons
Common resources and property rights