Terrestrial biomes Taiga
Taiga Northern coniferous forest that stetches in a broad band across the Northern Hemisphere just below the Arctic Circle. Generally between 60° to 80° north latitudes.
Taiga Winters are long (6-10 months) and have average temperatures that are below freezing and often fall to -20°C (-5°F).
Plants of the Taiga Conifer trees – trees with needle-like leaves and seeds that develop in cones. Shape of the leaves and their waxy coating preven the tree from losing too much water. This is especially important when the ground is frozen and the roots cannot absorb water. Shape of the cone helps prevent snow from building up on the branches and causing them to break. Needles contain substances that make the soil acidic when they fall to the ground – most other plants cannot grow in acidic soil.
Animals of the Taiga ***Read about animals of the taiga in your book, on page 164***
Taiga Now, it’s time to fill out the climatogram in your packet!