No Warm-Up 9/15/17 Happy Friday Please have your reviews out you have 5 minutes to look over them before we test. Announcements: School pictures have been rescheduled for October 16, 2017! We are on a shortened schedule today- Pep Rally this afternoon!
Friday Activity Bell Schedule Period 1 7:20 AM 8:08 AM 48 min Period 2 8:12 AM 9:00 AM Period 3 9:04 AM 9:52 AM Period 4 9:56 AM 10:44 AM Period 5 10:48 AM 12:22 PM 94 min A Lunch 11:14 AM 30 min B Lunch 11:18 AM 11:48 AM C Lunch 11:52 AM Period 6 12:26 PM 1:15 PM 49 min Period 7 1:18 PM 2:05 PM 47 min Activity Period 2:35 PM
Test Expectations You need a pencil today. Electronic Devices: You may listen to music on your headphones (one earbud in only). However, it must be FACE DOWN on top of your desk. Once I have all of my tests returned, only then can you have your phone out in your hands/on your desk. If I see you messing with your phone during testing, I will assume you are cheating and I will take away your test and you will receive a zero. There will be no negotiations on this- I expect your integrity and a fair and truthful environment for testing.
What to do When You’re Done: Turn your Test Booklet and Scantron in to me at my desk. Make sure your notebook is up to date. Work on something for another class. I have computer paper on the counter- you may draw if you’d like. If you have nothing else to do, you have my permission to put your head down until everyone is done testing. Remember: No talking until EVERY PERSON has turned in their test to me.