Good Morning Liberty Drive!
Morning Announcements Stop what you are doing. Stand up behind your chair with a Voice Level 0. Listen to the directions given in the announcements. Remain at a Voice Level 0 until given directions by your teacher.
Friday, September 1, 2017 Use a Voice Level 0 in the hallways at all times unless you are talking to a teacher. You should have a Voice Level 1 when waiting for dismissal announcements. People are missing buses and vans because it is too loud in the classrooms. It’s not too late to bring back your forms for a water bottle!
Teacher Reminders Use the checklist that was returned to your mailbox to pass out the LDS water bottles. Review PAWS in assemblies with your class before the PBIS assembly. Be sure to check your mailbox for your staff t-shirt. Plan to wear it next Friday.
PAWS in an Assembly Practice Respect Accept Responsibility I will… Show appreciation by clapping at the right times Use Voice Level 1 while waiting for assembly to begin Use Voice Level 0 once the assembly has started Maintain personal space by keeping my hands to myself and in my lap Accept Responsibility Only bring items I am asked to bring to assembly by my teacher Work Towards Success Show attention by listening to staff at all times Actively participate Stay safe Follow my class to our assigned seat slowly Sit on my bottom Stay seated until signaled to stand Follow hallway procedures to and from the assembly
At Liberty Drive We… Practice Respect, Accept Responsibility, Work towards Success, and Stay Safe because we are Bulldog Nation.