Movement to e-Government in Russia: problems and prospects Colloque International L’ADMINISTRATION ELECTRONIQUE AU SERVICE DES CITOYENS 21-22 Janvier 2002, Paris Movement to e-Government in Russia: problems and prospects Andrei Yakovlev, State University - Higher School of Economics,
General logic of presentation ICT-policy in 1990s: some results the key problems of previous ICT-policy e-Russia program and the Strategy for Russia 2010 Goals and main components of e-Russia program Main parameters of the program (time period, financing, governance)
Russian ICT-policy in late 1990s Only at federal level: Very briefly: …a lot of separate projects initiated by different authorities... Ministry of Taxation, State pension fund, Ministry of finance, Russian custom office, Russian statistical agency, Federal commission on securities market et cetera…
Key problems of previous policy Absence of co-ordination in the government (example: we have already two different national systems of personal identification - for tax purposes and for social security payments) e-Government for government itself (only in case of Securities commission citizens got some benefits - as information disclosure on the biggest joint-stock companies)
2000-2001: Start of new economic policy Development of “Strategy for Russia 2010” Jan.-Feb. 2000: first discussions and workshops Mai 2000: first draft of the Strategy Sept.-Oct. 2000: Strategy was approved by the Government and President Development of e-Russia program Feb. 2001: governmental decree starting the program’s elaboration Mai 2001: first draft of the program July 2001: approval by the Government
e-Russia goals & components increase of economic efficiency Legal basis for ICT development ICT penetration to the economy Human resources development Access to Internet e-Government for the government e-Government for the citizens Using ICT in mass media development of the civil society
Main parameters of the program Terms of implementation: 2002-2010 2002: Create supportive regulatory environment 2003-2004: Conduct feasibility studies and pilot projects 2005-2010: Implement program throughout all federal and regional public organizations Budget & Financing: total spending amount for 2002-2010 = USD 2,6 billion federal budget = USD 1,3 billion regional and municipal budgets = USD 0,8 billion extra-budget sources = USD 0,5 billion
Program management Inter-agency governmental commission lead by Minister of economic development and trade Control over program spending Co-ordination between different ICT-programs Expert council Provides recommendations for Inter-agency commission Reviews program actions Measures program’s efficiency Program directorate lead by Ministry of telecommunications and informatization Annual budget planning Logistics, tenders and procurement