Parents & Parenthood: Section 1- What is Parenting? Chapter 2 Parents & Parenthood: Section 1- What is Parenting?
Parenting The process of caring for children and helping them ______________and ______________. What is the difference between being a parent and parenting? What needs of children must parents provide?
Meeting Children's Needs Create a chart listing all of the needs you had as a child. classify them as physical, social, or intellectual/emotional Physical Social Intellectual/ Emotional Example: clothes Example: playing with siblings Example: reading before bed
The 3 Tasks of Parenting There are many ways parents take care of children However they can be categorized into 3 main tasks _______________________________
Physical Care Children need: food clothing exercise rest safe place to live healthcare Before becoming a parent you must be aware and ready for these responsibilities
Nurturing Nurturing: providing love, support, attention, and encouragement Provides a child with _______________________________ and _______________________________ Helps develop _______________________________
Guidance How does a child know what they should or shouldn't do? Parents need to set _______________________________ Children learn self control, values, and _______________________________
All 3 tasks... Help children to develop their full _______________________________ develop physically, socially, and intellectually to the highest degree this is the _______________________________ _______________________________
Who Needs Parenting Skills? Several ways to become a parent: Birth of a child Marriage to someone with a child Adoption/Foster Anyone who helps care for a child
Types of Parents _______________________________ : the man and woman who conceive a child _______________________________ : marrying someone who has a child _______________________________ : through legal process; child who is not biologically their own
Types of Parents _______________________________ : assumes temporary legal responsibility _______________________________ : someone appointed by a court of law to care for a child usually a member of the extended family
All Parents... Are responsible for raising the child to their _______________________________ Need help from family members and friends to provide nurturing & guidance Are considered _______________________________ : provide care and support for a period of time
Changes in Parenting Roles Past: very distinct roles Fathers : worked to provide money _______________________________ Mothers: _______________________________ for children Present: _______________________________ _______________________________
Parenting Styles & Abilities There are many different approaches to parenting No one right way to be a good parent Different for each family What parenting styles have you seen?
Factors that Influence Pareting Styles: _______________________________ people have had as children and adults Community, society, and culture _______________________________ of the Parents
Parenting Styles Many can be successful Primary goal: _______________________________ Parents provide care, guidance, and loving, _______________________________ _______________________________
When is Parenting Ineffective? When parents fail to meet the child's physical or emotional needs Imbalance of love & support and _______________________________ Physically and emotionally _______________________________ parents
Resources for Parents The more parents know and understand their children's needs, the better equipped they will be to meet them _______________________________ health care centers Agencies/ organizations Books & magazines
Parenting Styles… Which one are you???