Portfolio Development
LOAN STATISTICS Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Approved Loan Amount Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Approved Loan Amount 74,131,056 78,467,156 87,159,138 90,869,238 Total Outstanding Loans 52,781,747 55,319,904 61,387,391 62,909,976 Approved Guarantee Amount 35,423,083 37,487,133 41,665,724 43,401,855 Total Outstanding Guarantees 25,253,043 26,448,510 29,378,984 30,085,912 No of Loans 1,942 2,047 2,262 2,337
LOAN DISTRIBUTION BY REGION Loans by Regions No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Ferizaj / Uroševac 181 7,832,700 3,737,350 Gjakovë / Djakovica 91 3,171,500 1,527,750 Gjilan /Gnjilane 140 4,747,800 2,251,700 Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica 121 4,358,500 1,925,900 Pejë / Peć 179 7,271,326 3,527,448 Prishtinë / Priština 1,340 50,690,412 24,213,306 Prizren 285 12,797,000 6,218,401 Total 2,337 90,869,238 43,401,855
LOANS BY SECTOR Main Sectors No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount No Of Employees Proj. No Of Empl.* Wholesale & Retail Trade 912 36,799,582 17,715,371 3,532 4,733 Services 450 16,633,400 7,918,500 3,398 4,129 Manufacturing Products 413 16,665,300 7,874,640 2,233 2,830 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 167 6,493,426 3,120,479 458 670 Construction 124 5,942,326 2,843,913 1,196 1,459 Other 271 8,335,203 3,928,952 1,350 1,683 Total 2,337 90,869,238 43,401,855 12,167 15,504 * This is an estimation reported by the beneficiaries
LOAN PURPOSE Purpose of the Loans Number of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Construction,Renovation or Land 534 23,257,853 10,907,616 Equipment 599 26,052,503 12,450,798 Working Capital 866 29,816,300 14,516,550 Other 338 11,742,582 5,526,891 Total 2,337 90,869,238 43,401,855