Immune System Immune system
Nonspecific Defenses 1st line of Defense
Lysozyme Enzyme in tears and saliva
2nd line of defense Inflammatory response Phagocytes video link
2nd line of defense Serious Infection Increase WBC’s Fever Interferon
Specific Defenses
Lymphocytes White Blood Cells (WBC)
B-Lymphocytes Produce Antibodies Mature in Bone Marrow
Antibodies Y- shaped protein that binds to the antigen.
Antigen Substance that triggers the immune response.
Primary Immune Response Production of Antibodies from first exposure to antigen.
Secondary Immune Response Cells Remain after infection More powerful
Active Immunity Immunity produced by a vaccination.
Passive Immunity Antibodies from another organism.
T- Cell Identify foreign invader and relay message to b-cell
Helper T Cell Stimulates other cells to act
Killer T Cell Kills cancerous cells
Suppressor T Cell Slows down the production of b cells and t cells
Macrophage Big white blood cell Video link