TGs Dallas Closing Report November 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/1091r0 November 2010 TGs Dallas Closing Report Date: 2010-11-11 Author: Name Address Affiliation Phone Email Dee Denteneer HTC 37; 5656 AE Eindhoven; The Netherlands Philips +31 40 2749743 Dee Denteneer (Philips) Guido R. Hiertz (Philips)
TGs closing report for the November 2010 meeting. doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/1091r0 November 2010 Abstract TGs closing report for the November 2010 meeting. Worked on resolutions to the comments received during the first Sponsor Ballot. Expect a first recirculation after the TG s ad hoc in Munich Dee Denteneer (Philips) Guido R. Hiertz (Philips)
November 2010 Status Before meeting TGs passed its first Sponsor Ballot based Draft 7.0 with 95.3% approval rate (November 1 2010). We received 307 technical comments During meeting Received a copy edit from IEEE SA staff containing the initial results from the Professional Editing (Draft 7.01), and included our comments to the questions raised to the Professional Editing to create Draft 7.02. Resolutions comments, see 1283r4, and next slide; approximately 50% closed; also 50% of must be satisfied Dee Denteneer (Philips)
Comment resolution status editorial technical received open Disapprove comments 5 4 95 52 Approve comments 113 39 94 50
Plan First recirculation after Munich ad hoc, December 7-9, hosted by Siemens
November 2009 doc.: IEEE P802.11-09/1099r1 November 2010 Motiona Motion, Authorize TGs to hold an ad-hoc meeting between February 7 and February 18 2011 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Unanimous consent Moved by Dee Denteneer on behalf of TGs TGs vote: *In the TG vote, a slightly different wording was used Dee Denteneer (Philips) Donald Eastlake 3rd, Stellar Switches