Complex overt response PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN It deals with psychomotor skill. It is divided into seven group by Simpson in1972. Professor Simpson, Harrow and Dave worked out for this domain. Perception Set Guided response Mechanism Complex overt response Adaptation Origination
1-Perception It deals with the use of sense organs. Observing computer for operating. 2- SET It refer to readiness to take particulr type of action. This includes Mental readiness to act. Physical readiness to act. Motional readiness to act.
3-Guided Response It includes early stages for learning skills Imitation Trail & Error Exp Perform Experiment operating microscope as demonstrated.
4-Mechanism Learned responses become habitual. Performance with confidence &proficiency. Exp….. Setting lab equipment operating different equipment.
5-Complex overt Responses Performance without hesitation. Learned responses are performed skillfully. Exp…. Operating Computer skillfully,driving,swimming 6--- Adaptation Previous skills in new situation 7----Origination Creativity New methods .Dress. ,music.