UV Air Purifiers on the Market Familiar With UV? Our Sun produces UV energy which naturally destroys biological contaminants in the atmosphere. UV-C Light attacks microorganisms on a molecular level mutating the DNA of the cell. UV Has been used for many years in water treatment. If you are familiar with UV Water Treatment, the principles for treating moving air are the same. Example of a UV Water Purifier UV Air Purifiers on the Market You may be familiar with UV Air Purifiers on the market. They appear to be very similar to the Sanuvox Saber. They may vary in number of lamps. Some have 1, 2 even 4 UV Lamps. Excellent Object Purifiers but NOT very effective Air Purifiers.
There are Two Types of UV Purification: Purifying an OBJECT VS. Purifying The MOVING AIR There are Two Types of UV Purification: 1. Purifying an OBJECT 2. Purifying moving AIR OBJECT PURIFICATION A Stick-Light will keep a stationary object clean from biological contaminants. A Stick-Light will make an effective OBJECT Cleaner but an inefficient Air Purifier. The Stick-Light Purifier has all the TIME to bask the OBJECT with UV, guaranteeing nothing will grow on it. Examples of a Stick-Light Purifier Application: If installed into a duct, the Stick-Light will keep that portion of the duct extremely clean from biological contaminants, but do very little for the air passing by the Lamp(s). If installed on the coil, the Stick-Light will keep the coil clean from biological contaminants but do very little for the air passing by the Lamp(s). NOTE: Direct UV light is destructive to plastics (drainpan, wiring, motor windings, etc.).
UV dosage needed to destroy the contaminant in the moving air-stream. Purifying an OBJECT VS. The MOVING AIR AIR PURIFICATION Purifying MOVING AIR is completely different than purifying a Stationary Object. A Stick-Light Purifier is an effective Object Purifier because the object is not moving therefore the need to deliver such high amounts of UV within a fraction of a thousandths of a second is no longer needed. The UV energy will shine on the object indefinitely. To Purify MOVING AIR, there is only a fraction of a thousandths of a second to deliver the UV dosage needed to destroy the contaminant in the moving air-stream.
The Two Inch Rule Some manufacturers promote that their one and two lamp Stick-Light purifiers will treat the entire volume of air passing through the duct at one time. Unfortunately, that could not be further from the truth. According to the Lamp Manufacturers, efficiencies DROP very quickly the further from the Lamp surface you move. At just 2” from the surface of the glass, the UV efficiency has already dropped 80% and the decline is exponential. This is true for all types of UV Lamps, from cold cathode to hot cathode, soft glass to quartz glass. This is an example of a competitors suggested treatment area. Manufacturers who promote that their one and two Lamp Stick-Light Purifiers will purify the entire duct are in reality only TREATING A VERY NARROW BAND OF AIR that travels by the Lamp. As will be discussed, even that narrow band of air is not being treated adequately because the air is moving much too fast in the duct to receive the proper UV dosage. **The 2” Rule is the reason why the “J” Lamp is mounted inside the Aluminum Reflector Tube. The purifier will maximize the UV Energy which would otherwise be lost in the duct-work. sanuvox technologies inc.
The Two Inch Rule The Two Inch Rule The air is traveling These Stick-Lights are perpendicular in the air-stream The contaminants “zip” right by the Lamp The air is traveling just too quickly to be treated. The moving air only spends a FRACTION of a thousandth of a second in contact with the Lamp! sanuvox technologies inc.
The Two Inch Rule Light from our Sun can be seen here on Earth, There is a big difference between the UV that can be “seen” and effective UV. Although UV light can shine for a great distance, that light has virtually NO Germicidal effect on moving air. Only the UV within a couple of inches of the Lamp is effective in treating moving air, the rest is lost within the duct. The two inch rule only applies to air purification (treating moving air). When treating moving air, there is only a fraction of time to treat the contaminant in the air-stream. That’s why an air purifier needs an intense amount of UV energy. In contrast, the two inch rule does not apply to object purification (purifying a stationary object). The object is not moving therefore the need to deliver such high amounts of UV within a fraction of a second is no longer needed. The UV energy will shine on the object indefinitely. Light from our Sun can be seen here on Earth, but not nearly as powerful as it is in space. sanuvox technologies inc.
Efficiencies & Testing Many manufacturers are claiming a destruction of 80% or more on their one and two Lamp Stick-Light purifiers against their TEST BACTERIA. Many manufacturers are using Serratia marcescens as the test bacteria; Serratia marcescens is a weak bacteria to test against (3 400 MICROWATTS PER/CM² OF GERMICIDAL UV FOR DESTRUCTION ). In contrast, Sanuvox tests are done in real world conditions and through clinical studies. Sanuvox results have shown mold levels dropped 100%, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (10 000 MICROWATTS PER/CM² OF GERMICIDAL UV FOR DESTRUCTION ) dropped more than 90% and VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) dropped 50%. According to the information supplied by other manufacturers, the Sanuvox R3500X destroys a higher % of contaminants that require at least 300% more UV dosage than their one and two lamp Stick-Light units. sanuvox technologies inc.
Efficiencies & Testing The Sanuvox R1500X & R3500X In-Duct UV Air Purifiers will purify a portion of the air moving within the duct at any given time. The air within our homes continually circulates through the ventilation system every minute of every hour of every day. Sanuvox R1500X & R3500X rely on that re-circulation to bring the overall level of contaminants down. After an hour or two of having the purifier installed, the home will have circulated the air through the purifier enough times as to bring the home’s overall contamination down drastically. The In-Duct Purifier will destroy the contaminants quicker than they can be introduced into the environment. The R3500X treats the air with10,959 microwatts per/cm² of UV intensity inside the Aluminum Reflector Tube over a distance of 12”. sanuvox technologies inc.
Relationship between UV-V & Residual Ozone Sanuvox Purifiers do not produce ozone as their primary function. The UV-V section of the Dual Zone Lamp (approx. 10% of the Lamp glass) may produce a small amount of residual ozone. The Residential Purifiers that use a Dual Zone Lamp have in tests produced 0.003 ppm. of residual ozone. So minute, that some tests show zero amount of residual ozone in the environment. Sanuvox Residential Purifiers produce less residual ozone than a photocopier or an electronic air cleaner. The amount of residual ozone that can be produced by a Sanuvox Residential Purifier (0.003 ppm.) is a fraction of the ASHRAE ( 0.05 ppm.) and OSHA ( 0.10 ppm.) standards for safe levels of ozone. Sanuvox designed the UV-V portion of the lamp to “fire” first. While contained in the Aluminum Tube, the UV-C (approx. 90% of the Lamp glass) Germicidal Energy acts as a catalyst to speed up the process to keep any residual ozone to extremely low levels. sanuvox technologies inc.
Relationship between UV-V & Residual Ozone By incorporating UV-V into Sanuvox Purifiers, studies have shown a significant decrease in VOC's while producing virtually no residual ozone in the environment. Sanuvox Purifiers not only destroy biological contaminants, but are also able to destroy toxins, chemical contaminants such as diesel fumes, cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, pet and cooking odors. It is impossible for UVC Germicidal only Stick-Lights to treat any of these chemical contaminants or odors. UV-V does NOT mask odors or contaminants; UV-V molecularly changes the molecule(s). **Sanuvox Purifiers are available as both UVC & UVV, or UVC only. R1500X & R3500X UVC / UVV, Germicidal / Oxidation R1500G & R3500G UVC, Germicidal only sanuvox technologies inc.
Installation The installation of an R1500X or R3500X requires no more than 10-30 minutes by an HVAC contractor. The purifiers can be installed on either the return or supply side of the plenum. We recommend installing it on the return side for the added benefit of keeping the filter and coil cleaner then if the purifier was installed on the supply side. The R1500X is hardwired to the fan relay, and the R3500X is simply plugged in, the airflow sensor automatically turns the purifier on and off. If there is not enough room for the control box on the outside of the duct, both purifiers can be remotely installed with the optional Remote Kit. The Remote Kit allows the Reflector Tube and Lamp to be installed in the duct, and the control box remotely installed in another location. Direct UV light is destructive to plastics (drainpan, wiring, motor windings, etc.), the Reflector Tube can easily be positioned so no UV will see any plastic. A Stick-Light purifier has no measure to control what the UV sees. sanuvox technologies inc.
Mercury Vapor 19mm. Quartz “J” Lamp While Stick-Light purifiers use multiple lamps in order try to increase intensities. Sanuvox uses one Lamp which is bent in on itself into the shape of a “J”. This has the effect of having the two legs of the lamp treat the air, which is the equivalent of having two straight lamps. Unlike most Stick-Light purifiers, Sanuvox Lamps are Quartz glass not Soft glass. Quartz glass produces higher levels of UV Intensity and have a longer operating life than Soft Glass. Sanuvox Lamps are 19 mm in diameter, not 15 mm like other UV Lamps. The Getter The Getter is incorporated into the Lamp. More environmentally friendly. Uses less than ½ the amount of mercury used in other Lamps. Designed to absorb pollutants inside the Lamp which are created as the Lamp burns. Better maintains UV intensity and Lamp Life Anode Designed to easily ignite the mercury vapor for less strain on the filaments as the Lamp starts. sanuvox technologies inc.
3 Year Warranty Stick-Light purifiers (including the Sanuvox Saber) have a maximum lamp life of 8700 operating hours (1 year). Stick-Light purifiers must have each Lamp wiped clean every 2-3 months to remove the bio-aerosols in the air-stream that adhere to the Lamp and block the UV rays. The R1500X and R3500X have a 3-year warranty, which includes the UV “J” Lamp and all replacement Lamps. As a result of the proprietary design, the Aluminum Reflecting Tube redirects UV to “burn off” any bio-aerosols that adhere to the UV Lamp. The R1500X and R3500X are self-cleaning; the only maintenance required is a one Lamp change every 3 years (Sanuvox takes into consideration the unit will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year). UV Lamps age, and as they age, they lose their effectiveness. The Sanuvox Saber is the same as any other Stick-Light Purifier. We can ONLY offer a 1-year warranty on the Saber Lamp because the purifier is a) mounted perpendicular to the air-stream, b) does not use any measure to slow the air down as it passes over the lamp, and c) does not use any reflectivity to increase UV intensity. sanuvox technologies inc.
sanuvox technologies inc.
sanuvox – 101 A short lesson in UV Any bacteria can be destroyed with UVC light; the question is how to do it? sanuvox technologies inc.
Two Factors in achieving a high bacteria kill are : The INTENSITY of the UV source and The greater the INTENSITY the greater the kill. The length of TIME the bacteria is exposed to the UV light The more TIME the bacteria is suspended in front of the UV light, the higher the UV dosage it receives, the greater the kill. sanuvox technologies inc.
= Intensity How powerful would a flashlight be without a reflector? The R1500X and R3500X achieves a high intensity through the use of Reflection. The same way a flashlight or car's headlight uses a reflector to intensify and direct light. The Sanuvox UV Air purifiers use an Aluminum Reflector Tube to intensify the UV Energy. = How powerful would a flashlight be without a reflector? sanuvox technologies inc.
The more time in front of the UV Energy, the higher the kill. Dwell Time How does Sanuvox slow the bacteria down so it can receive the UV dosage needed to kill it? The Turbulator slows, twists and mixes the air around the Lamp, dramatically increasing the time the contaminants are suspended in front of the lamp. That's what Sanuvox does. Slow down the air so the contaminant can be “burned” by the UV Energy. The more time in front of the lamp, the higher the UV dosage the contaminant receives, and the higher the kill. Very similar to putting your hand over a candle. If you were to quickly move your hand through the flame, you would barely feel the heat. Should you move your hand slowly through the flame, you would surely be burned. The more time in front of the UV Energy, the higher the kill. sanuvox technologies inc.
Dwell Time Finally, to increase the dwell time (the time the contaminant is in contact with the UV Energy), the purifier is mounted parallel to the air-stream not perpendicular, maximizing the time the contaminant is in contact with the UV lamp. If properly delivered, UV Irradiation can be a very efficient method for air purification. The use of the Turbulator, Aluminum Reflector Tube, “J” Lamp and placing the unit parallel to the air-stream are the “tools” needed to maximize the UV Energy. The air spends 2400% MORE TIME in Contact with the UV Energy than does a Stick-Light Purifier. Parallel = Increased Dwell Time Perpendicular = a fraction of Dwell Time sanuvox technologies inc.
trying to make their Lamp parallel to the air stream? Dwell Time The following are competitor’s Sample Illustrations that show the units treating a large portion of the duct. In reality, the stick-lights are treating the duct not the contaminants in the moving air. The Stick-Lights, are inefficient in destroying moving contaminants in the air-stream, but will keep that portion of the duct surface clean from biological contaminants. Because the duct is stationary, UV is shining on it indefinitely. The duct does not need the same intensity to keep it clean from contaminants as moving air needs. A competitor’s standard 90° Installation Are they trying to make their Lamp parallel to the air stream? And their 45° Angled Bracket sanuvox technologies inc.
Any questions? Call 1-888-SANUVOX (726-8869) A Summary Any questions? Call 1-888-SANUVOX (726-8869) OR VISIT WWW.SANUVOX.COM sanuvox technologies inc.
R1500X R3500X All the benefits of the R1500X plus: 1-888-SANUVOX Irradiates bacteria, viruses and mold - Destroys chemical & biological odors - High Efficiency UV-C / V Air Purifier - 6,808 microwatts per/cm² of UV intensity inside Reflector Tube - Hardwired to HVAC System - Most effective UV Air Purification System on the market - Patented Sanuvox Process - In-Duct installation, for whole home purification - Purify up to 1500 square feet - 3 year warranty on parts including UV Lamp 3 year warranty on replacement Lamps CSA / NRTL Certified Designed to be installed in the Return Plenum, as the airflow passes through the R1500X / R3500X's Aluminum Reflective Tube, The Patented Process destroys the contaminants that would otherwise been distributed throughout the ventilation system. The High Efficiency UV-C / V Air Purifier destroys chemical & biological contaminants including chemical odors. R3500X All the benefits of the R1500X plus: - 10,959 microwatts per/cm² of UV intensity inside Reflector Tube - Airflow sensor automatically turns unit on and off - Purify up to 3500 square feet 1-888-SANUVOX WWW.SANUVOX.COM sanuvox technologies inc.
The Sanuvox Family of UV Air Purifiers & UV Coil Cleaners MB500X Ceiling Tile Mount for offices and classrooms P800GX Portable Saber R1500X In-Duct R3500X In-Duct C2000X Commercial In-Duct S1000FX Smoking / Clean Room Ideal for smoking environments UV Bio-Wall Complete Bio-Protection Up to a 99.9% kill in one pass CoilClean Series CoilClean 2020G for Walk-In Coils CoilClean RT for Rooftop Package Units CoilClean B30X Air Purifier / Coil Cleaner for Bard Wall Mount Air Handlers Sanuvox Ultraviolet Air Purifiers and Coil Cleaners incorporate Sanuvox patented advancements in UV Purification. Sanuvox Air Purifiers will destroy bio-chemical contaminants such as mold, mildew, fungus spores, formaldehyde, solvents and secondhand smoke. Sanuvox Air Purifiers will also irradiate viruses and bacteria such as legionella and tuberculosis. Sanuvox Coil Cleaners will prevent and destroy microbial growth on the HVAC Coil. sanuvox technologies inc.