LSI-VC-2 Action Status Matthew Steventon LSI-VC-3 Agenda Item #3 Committee on Earth Observation Satellites LSI-VC-2 Action Status Matthew Steventon LSI-VC-3 Agenda Item #3 20th March 2017
LSI-VC-2 Actions 23 Actions, 18 (20?) Complete 2 in progress (?), 1 on hold, 2 to be progressed at LSI-VC-3
LSI-VC-2 Actions In progress Complete? Complete? Action 14 Adam Lewis and Brian Killough to explore the possibility of setting up a small Data Cube over Australia for validation of the SEO’s implementation of the WOfS algorithm by comparing the results to GA’s. Q3 2017 Action 20 Adam Lewis to draft the task and potential membership of a radar team to progress the example specifications of SAR CARD4L. Membership should include JAXA, ESA (Bianca is POC), CSA (Paul Briand has confirmed), NASA, and UKSA. The team should start with the gamma-nought specification, and it was noted that the high-level definition is outside of scope. October 2016 Complete? Complete?
LSI-VC-2 Actions On hold Action 08 Adam Lewis to coordinate LSI-VC action on ‘CARB-08- 02: Inclusion of IGCO continuity priorities in VC and WGClimate activities’. Brian to send Adam the IGCO document. October 2016
LSI-VC-2 Actions 10, 2 To be progressed at LSI-VC-3 Action 13 Brian Killough, Jenn Lacey and Bianca Hoersch to initiate a plan for LSI-VC to establish the ‘CEOS approach’ to requirements/capability analysis – applying the procedures that have been developed in GEOGLAM and SDCG, in particular the ‘requirements matrix’. LSI-VC-3 Action 21 Jenn Lacey to coordinate an update of the LSI-VC Implementation Plan ahead of CEOS Plenary. 10, 2