Thirty Years War 1618-1648
Weapons of the 30 Years War Wall Gun Defensive weapons Shot-lead balls and could be wheeled around
Wheelock pistol
Matchlock Musket
Origins of the War In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg was signed This document said the ruler picks the religion This will not end all conflicts between Catholics and Protestants
In 1618 Protestants threw three Catholics out of windows because they violated freedom of religion They fell 50 feet and landed on a pile of manure They survived
Defenestration of Prague 1618
1618-1625 is known as the Bohemian Revolt Spain sent troops to help the Catholics 1625-1629 is known as the Danish intervention They fight against the Catholics
1636-1648 is known as the Swedish-French phase France is largely Catholic, but enters the war against her rivals, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire Sweden joined France
End of the War The war ends with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 Every nation has a right to self-determination (the right to become a country) Established international law meant to have enduring peace
Peace of Westphalia
Netherlands gained independence from Spain Sweden gained land France emerged as the strongest power in Europe
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