Novel Cellulose-Based Detackifier for Efficient Pulp Mill Pitch Control Akhlesh Mathur - Global Market Segment Lead, Pulp Edouard Valton - Senior Application Specialist, Pulp
Agenda Pitch in Wood Traditional Pitch Control Program Novel Cellulose-Based Detackifier Principle Mode of Action References
What is Pitch? Pitch is the collective term used to describe the hydrophobic wood resin materials found in the pulp Resin is a naturally occurring organic component of all trees functions as an energy storage source (fats) in tree and a defense mechanism against disease and insects typically occurs in ‘free flowing' resin canals (most softwoods and some tropical hardwoods) and as a storage inclusion in parenchyma cells (predominant resin source in most hardwoods) makes up (typically) 1 to 6% of the wood volume (DCM extract), with higher concentrations in the bark and the heartwood (especially in older trees)
Large part of the pitch is neutral (esters + sterols) Pitch in Wood Large part of the pitch is neutral (esters + sterols)
Adsorbed onto fiber surface Physical Forms of Pitch Desirable Form Deposit Agglomerate Colloidal Adsorbed onto fiber surface Encapsulated Na - - - Minimize and Control - Na Soluble / Soaps
Pitch/Resin Entering the System When pitch/resin enters the pulp making system, it takes one (or a combination) of the following routes: Carried with fibers causing dirt speck This undesirable path causes pitch problems in the downstream user systems. Enters with water (black liquor) This is the preferable route as it is easier to eliminate from the system utilizing specialty chemicals. Deposits on process equipment This is undesirable since deposits within the system can cause uncontrolled slough off causing dirt. This dirt can reduce process flow leading to process inefficiency and the need to clean the system requiring downtime.
Chemical Program Options Pitch Control Treatment Chemical Program Options Form Where to treat and wash or stabilize Depositability DeTac™ contaminant control agents, surfactants Free particle stability Anionic and non-ionic dispersants Content Dispersants, fixatives and polymers Surface affinity Surfactants and cleaners
Traditional Pitch Control Pitch control in pulp mills is achieved by: Deresination - digester additive, wash aids, drainage aid Control of pitch deposit - avoid fouling Traditional pitch control programs Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) Surfactant (ethoxylated material) Dispersant (anionic)
Infinity™ PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Novel Cellulose-Based Detackifier Patented technology Non-ionic – wide range of pH usage Hydrophobic side groups enhance pitch coating and detackification Effective talc replacement Shear resistant FDA and BfR approved More effective than traditional detackifier Pumpable
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid No observed interference with pulp mill or bleach plant chemistries Mill experience Potential feed points Temperature, pH and bleach chemistry tolerant
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Novel cellulose-based detackifier Principle
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid: Principle Product formerly developed for mechanical grades for P stage bleaching Pitch content is not affected during peroxide stage Pitch content during peroxide bleaching
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid: Principle Loss of hemicellulose during peroxide bleaching destabilizes pitch (agglomeration)
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid: Principle Enhanced hemicellulose with greater pitch control power Infinity PK7825E pulp processing aid is used to compensate the lack of natural stabilizers Benefits: More stable pitch Decreased agglomeration Decreased deposition potential
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Novel cellulose-based detackifier Mode of Action
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid : Mode of Action Hydrophobic interaction with pitch surfaces Protective layer is used for detackification Protective Layer Hydrophobic Pitch particle + Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Hydrophilic Hydrophobic
Encapsulation, Passivation, Detackification Pitch Stabilizer Pitch Benefits: Multiple attachment points Internal film crosslinks Tough hydrophilic film Improved pitch control Hydrophobic Segment Hydrophilic Segment
Benefits Detackification with Infinity PK7825E pulp processing aid is shear resistant Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid
Benefits Eliminates talc feeding system Workforce cost Unit maintenance cost Increased safety (big bag handling, inhalation, slips, falls) Decrease ClO2 consumption / OBA use Lower ash content in final pulp Wide range of pH (acid to alkaline) Behaves like fibers Fully approved formulation for food contact Non-hazardous chemical Easy to pump Detackification unchanged in high shear Temperature resistant
Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Novel cellulose-based detackifier References
Mill A: Europe - HW Kraft Infinity PK7825E pulp processing aid dosed to outlet of pre D2 filter Prevents agglomeration in D2 tower (reactor) Treated colloidal pitch is better washed away in D2 filter (VF6) Extractives retaining in pulp are treated and not agglomerating in HCST Infinity PK4401 pulp processing aid is a fixative for colloidal balance control in white water system Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid 250 g/t Hot water Filtered water VF5 D2 VF6 HCST Intermediate chest Infinity PK4401 Pulp Processing Aid 30g/t
Mill B: Europe - Integrated HW Kraft Infinity PK7825E pulp processing aid dosed to four points VF3 outlet dose prevents agglomeration in D2 tower (reactor) VF5 outlet dose keeps the pulp cleaners open Dose to showers on thickeners are to avoid periodical deposit formations and thereby to keep dirt count at low level (tgt <1.5 mm 2/kg) all the time Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid Hot water Warm water D2 VF3 VF5
Mill C: Europe - Kraft HW Talc Replacement Brown stock Storage Tower D1 Blow Tank Infinity PK7825E Pulp Processing Aid 300 g/t D2 EOP Bleached Pulp Storage Tower To paper machine
Mill D: US - Northeastern Sulfite Mill Species Hardwood Pine Dosage Trial Infinity PK7825 pulp processing aid at 1.1 kg/ton replacing 9 kg/ton of talc Product fed to E-Stage bleach washer discharge Benefits ClO2 usage reduced to reach target brightness with talc removed Talc usage eliminated OBA usage in paper mill reduced
Mill E: US - TMP Refiner Species Production Dosage Benefits Pine, hydrosulfite bleached Production 800 ADT/d integrated Dosage Infinity PK7825 pulp processing aid at 300g/ton replacing lignosulfonate Product fed before refiner Benefits Clean plate on refiner Minimal customer complaint regarding pitch Cost improvement
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