The book of micah Background
The book of micah Background Micah lived in the latter half of the 8th century His name means Who is like the Lord He was a farmer-preacher from a small town in Gath His preaching was to princes, priests, prophets, and all people and he warned of punishment for sin and pardon for penance. He prophesied to both Judah and Israel Kings of Judah: Jotham, Ahaz, & Hezekiah Kings of Israel: Pekah & Hoshea (last 2 Kings) He was sympathetic to the social wrongs against the poor He spoke much of the coming Messiah
The book of micah Overview Ch. 1: The Wages Of Sin Is Death Ch. 2: Victims Of Violence & Vice Ch. 3: Consequences Of Corruption Ch. 4: Micah’s Monumental Message Ch. 5: The Blessed Birth In Bethlehem Ch. 6: Righteous Requirements Ch. 7: Passed Over & Pardoned