GREECO ESPON Internal Seminar Sustainable Territories 30 November 2011


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Presentation transcript:

GREECO ESPON Internal Seminar Sustainable Territories 30 November 2011 Kraków, Poland

GREECO – Research flow

GREECO – A sectoral approach

GREECO – Role of case studies

GREECO – Data provision Characterising the green sector at the regional level in Europe:

GREECO – European data sources EGSS at Eurostat: Not EU coverage in replies for the 2011 data collection - EGSS current reporting countries (data will be published later this year): BE, FR, SE, RO, FI, DE, LV, CZ, LT, ES, AT, NL, IT, NO, PL, PT On website: EGSS countries that answered to 2009 data collection: AT, BE, FR, DE, NL, PT, RO, SE. Eco-innovation - Community Innovation Survey (CIS, 2008) DG Employment: ‘Towards a greener labour market. The employment dimension of tackling environmental challenges’, includes some indicators on EGSS. DG Environment: several surveys and reports on eco-innovation. EEA: environmental indicators (indirect assessment of transition towards GE?)

GREECO – Assessing GE potentials Some examples of demand -side drivers: Market size: Domestic market (the larger the market, the more potential for a greener economy to develop and grow) Exports (the more exports in absolute terms, the more potential for EGS exports) Economic structure: Level of present development of EGS (the more developed EGSS is, the more potential for further EGSS development, or vice versa? Should we consider rebound effects) Environmental protection expenditure (the more expenditure, the more potential for EGS development) Nature of the environmental problems faced in present situation and future scenarios (e.g. climate change effects on GE development) Regulatory framework (the stricter any regulatory framework is in environmental terms, the more development potential green economy holds)

GREECO – Assessing GE potentials Some examples of supply -side drivers Territorial assets: Natural resources (linked to specific EGS like renewable energy production) Physical (e.g. type of settlement impacting transport models) Eco-innovation (the more technological capacity on EGS, the more potential for the development of ancillary sectors) Regulatory framework (the stricter any regulatory framework is in environmental terms, the more development potential green economy holds)  incentives

Project experiences (policy and territorial dimension) Data limitations (no data for all member states, only at national level)  regionalization challenge / not EU coverage for GE Importance of non pure territorial drivers have also spatial distribution. Other territorial drivers could be not that obvious.