TIA TR-50 M2M-Smart Device Communications Document No: GSC17-PLEN-47 Source: TIA Contact: Dr. Jeffery Smith (jsmith@numerex.com) GSC Session: Plenary Agenda Item: 6.10 TIA TR-50 M2M-Smart Device Communications Dr. Jeffery Smith Chief Innovation and Technology Officer/EVP Numerex
TIA TR-50 Scope Engineering Committee TR-50 M2M-Smart Device Communications is responsible for the development and maintenance of access agnostic interface standards for the monitoring and bi-directional communication of events and information between smart devices and other devices, applications or networks. TR-50 will develop an M2M-Smart Device Communications framework that can operate over different underlying transport networks (wireless, wired, etc.) and can be adapted to a given transport network by means of an adaptation/convergence layer. The TR-50 framework will make its functionality available to applications through a well-defined Application Programming Interface (API) that is agnostic to the vertical application domain (eHealth, Smart Grid, Industrial Automation, etc.)
Update 1: Structure of TR-50 In January 2012 TR-50 disbanded subcommittee TR-50.1, Requirements and Architecture Work items now addressed in Working Groups; as a result the Security Ad Hoc group is now Working Group 3, Security Aspects TR-50 currently maintains six working groups: Working Group 1, Requirements and Architecture Working Group 2, Protocol Aspects Working Group 3, Security Aspects Working Group 4, Information Models and Standard Objects Working Group 5, Capabilities Working Group 6, Conformance and Testing
Update 2: Collaborations Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC) Signed MOU in February 2011 Instrumental in Working Group 3, Security Aspects and the development of TIA Technical Standards Bulletin 4940 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Security Aspects Florida Atlantic University Signed friendship agreement in October 2011 Address technology areas of mutual interest, such as wireless, M2M, satellite, user premises communications products, distribution systems, and fiber optics OPC Foundation Signed friendship agreement in February 2013 Contribute knowledge of industrial automation standards to TR-50 oneM2M TIA is a founding partner of the oneM2M global initiative Many of TR-50’s participants participate in oneM2M and contribute published TR-50 standards for adoption by oneM2M
Update 3: Completed Work-Plan Items TIA-4940-000-A M2M-Smart Device Communications; List of Parts (Originally published in December 2011; revised in January 2013) Functions as a release of the 4940 series and provides the list of parts and revisions to the 4940 series TIA-4940-005 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Reference Architecture (Published December 2011) Provides an M2M smart device communication reference architecture, describing functional elements and their interconnection; includes annexes that provide use cases and the demonstrate the applicability of the reference architecture TIA-4940-020 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Protocol Aspects; Introduction (Published February 2013) Provides an introduction to the protocols TIA-4940-022 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Protocol Aspects; Deploying and Securing Applications (Published November 2012) Enables organizations to increase security when deploying applications across a hostile network by providing a common foundation for risk management processes for IT systems
Update 3: Completed Work-Plan Items (cont.) TSB-4940 Smart Device Communications; Security Aspects (Published February 2013) An informative bulletin that addresses the security risks of deploying M2M solutions and how to mitigate the threat vectors that exist
Update 4: Future Work-Plan The TR-50 Committee revised its work-plan as a result of completed items and will evaluate the proposed work items based on the creation of oneM2M. PN-4940.021 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Protocol Aspects; Optimizing Access Network Capabilities PN-4940.023 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Protocol Aspects; Using HTTP family PN-4940.050 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Software Aspects; Introduction PN-4940.051 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Software Aspects; Characteristics of Containers PN-4940.100 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Standard Objects; Introduction
Considerations & Challenges Participation from various industry verticals such as electric utilities, medical devices, auto manufacturers, etc. Contribute published TR-50 standards for adoption by oneM2M
Additional M2M-related Standard Work at TIA
TIA TR-45 Mobile and Personal Communications Systems TR-45 M2M work is developed in partnership with 3GPP2 M2M communication carried over cdma2000® 1x or HRPD networks TIA-4954 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication Systems Requirements Document (Published August 2012) Details requirements and enhancements to the cdma200 technology in support of M2M TIA-4962, cdma2000® M2M Numbering Recommendations Systems Requirements Documents (Published March 2012) Focus on the numbering, identification, and addressing aspects of M2M technologies and services using 3GPP2 specifications TIA-4993, Network Enhancements for Machine to Machine (M2M), planned for publication 4Q2013