Visalia WCP Trickling Filter Upgrade Project 1994/1995 Trickling Filters, Pump Station and Flow Control Box Modifications
VISALIA TF UPGRADE Project Manager - David Stringfield P.E. Design Engineer - Steve Beck P.E. Resident Engineer/Construction Manager - David Watson
Project Phases n New Effluent Distribution System u Junction Box A Rehabilitation u 54 Primary Effluent Pipeline Replacement u Flow Metering Manhole Construction u Butterfly Valve Control Box Retrofit n Trickling Filter Pump Station Retrofit n Overhaul of Diameter Trickling Filters Mechanism and Structure
Junction Box A Rehabilitation n Box Rehabilitation. n Slide Gate Replacement n Wall Spool Renovation
Junction Box A Rehabilitation
Wall spool replacement.
New Stainless Steel Slide Gates Installation
Effluent Pipeline n Replace Effluent Pipeline n Construct New Manhole Meter Station n Install New Butterfly Valve n Construct New Wall Spool in TFPS
Replace Primary Effluent Pipeline
Replace Effluent Pipeline
Construct Metering Manhole Station
Install New 48 Butterfly Valve
Construct New Wall Spool TFPS
Trickling Filter Pump Station n Structural Rehabilitation n Install New Piping n Install New Pumps and VFD Units n Install New Stairway and Grating n Install New St Stl Slide Gates
Trickling Filter Rehabilitation n Demo Old Distributor Structures n Cut Filter Walls n Add Rebar Layers n Construct New Concrete Walls n Install New Channel Piers and Slabs n Install New Underdrain Block n Install New Plastic Media n Install New Distributors and VFD Units
Additional Construction Items n Pave Plant Site n Install New Light Fixtures n Install New Irrigation System n Install New Electrical Components