State Executive Branch
Organization Governor Lieutenant Governor Council of State Cabinet departments
Governor Governor: Leader of executive branch 4 year terms Unlimited number of terms, but can only have 2 consecutive Ex: 1976 & 1980; then 1992 & 1996 ASK: What article of the NC Constitution gives and defines powers to the state executive branch? ASK: What does consecutive mean? Ex: Jim Hunt (R ) elected 1976 & 1980… then again in 1992 & 1996. Two consecutive terms each time. ASK: Who is our current governor? Pat McCrory, (R), elected 2012 (from Charlotte)
Qualifications 30 years old US citizen for 5 years NC resident for 2 years preceding election In California & Ohio, only have to be 18 to run for governor
Governor’s Powers Chief Executive Budget Other powers Pardon prisoners Make appointments Coordinates work of state agencies Chief Legislator Propose legislation Political Party Leader Other powers Pardon prisoners Command state police, National Guard Represent NC in relations with other states In 2008, Gov of NC made $135,854/ year Governor submits budget to legislature; sets priorities, offers solutions to problems Appointments generally require confirmation by the state Senate Proposing legislation: governor usually appears before state legislature at one of its early meetings & outlines laws he/she thinks should be passed. Frequently talks to leaders of legislature Governor appoints key state officials, coordinates the work of most state agencies, administers state budget, proposed budget & other legislation Grant clemency / reduce prison sentence
Lieutenant Governor Second highest leader Same term limits & qualifications Takes over if Governor unable Serves as President of Senate Serves on various boards ASK: What are the term limits & qualifications for Governor that we can now apply also to Lieutenant Gov? Powers: President of Senate, serves on various boards Runs on separate ticket as Governor (voted on separately) He is elected by voters Sometimes they work closely, sometimes they don’t Photo: Current Lieutenant Gov, Dan Forest (r )
Council of State Elected by voters 4-year terms 8 positions in addition to Gov & Lt. Gov Ten members of the executive branch are popularly elected: This includes the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, plus the 8 other members of the council of state. The remaining department heads are appointed by the governor and form the Cabinet (this includes: administration, corrections, revenue, transportation, dept of public safety, commerce, etc.) Council of State meets with Gov periodically for coordination and to vote on decisions (like sale of state property, borrowing money. Council must approve changes to capital punishment procedures) From an era of divided executive power Powers: implements state policies
Commissioner of Agriculture Commissioner of Insurance Secretary of State Attorney General Commissioner of Agriculture Commissioner of Insurance Elaine Marshall (D) Steve Troxler (R) Wayne Goodwin (R) Secretary of State: Elaine F. Marshall; keeps state records & carries out election laws Attorney General: Roy Cooper; in charge of state’s legal business, provides officials with advice on meaning of laws, represents state in court, may assist local officials in prosecution Commissioner of Agriculture: Steven W. Troxler; head of Dept of Agriculture/Consumer Services, chairman of state board of Agriculture Commissioner of Insurance: Wayne Goodwin; regulates insurance industry, licenses insurance professionals, educates consumers about insurance, handles consumer complaints, oversees state fire marshal
Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Labor State Auditor State Treasurer Superintendent of Public Instruction Cherie Berry (R) Beth Wood(D) Janet Cowell (D) June St. Clair Atkinson (D) Secretary of Labor: Cherie K. Berry; promotes health, safety, well-being of working people State Auditor: Beth A. Wood; ensures no public funds from state treasury are used without authorization, regularly examines state financial records to make sure they’re correct (aka comptroller) State Treasurer: Janet Cowell; in charge of state funds, supervises taxes, pays state bills Superintendent of Public Instruction: June St. Clair Atkinson; carries out policies of state Board of Ed (makes laws to regulate local school districts), distributes state funds to local school systems