Compulsory Part: Ethics Module 1 Normative Ethics The Nature of Morality Moral principles Moral reasoning Pluralism Morality & religion Theory of Conduct Consequences Duties Theory of Value & Virtue Instrinsic value Instrumental value Quality Priority Conflicts
Module 2 Personal & Social Issues Human Rights Life & Death Sex, Companionship & Family Bioethics Environmental Ethics Business & Economic Ethics Media Ethics
Elective Part Part I: Part II: Religious Traditions (Christianity) Faiths in Actions (Learning to serve & serving to learn)
Public Examination Paper 1: Normative Ethics and Personal & Social Issues Short questions & essay or guided essay questions Weighting --- 40% Duration --- 1 hr 45 min Paper 2: Christianity Essay or guided questions Weighting --- 40 % Duration --- 1hr 45 min
School-based Assessment (SBA) Faiths in Action Task 1: Proposal for the SBA activity (5%) Task 2: Report on the SBA activity (10%) and overall performance (5%)