Welcome to Ms. Moravits’s World Changers and Difference Makers Training Camp Digital Interactive Media Dollars and Sense Interpersonal Studies
Important Logins Email Address 12345@crowleyisdtx.me (Student ID#) Computer Login Username: crowleyisd\12345 (Student ID#) Password: 12345 (Student ID#) Blackboard Login Username: Student ID# Password: Student ID#
Important Email Addresses and Website Information Digital Interactive Media Website: http://dimactivitiesandassignments.weebly.com/ This site will have Teen Leadership and Interpersonal Studies, as well. Ms. Moravits’s Outlook Email: jmoravitshfscte20172018@outlook.com Turn in all work to this email address. Do not “edit and reply” to any document or assignment. Always download and save attachments to your OneDrive. Edit from your OneDrive. Create a new email to turn in your assignment and attach the file “as a copy”. Do not SHARE documents with me. (10 point deduction for “sharing” the assignment) Your subject line should contain the title of the assignment and your class period. Your name will automatically show when I receive your email. (10 point deduction for incomplete subject line)
Typing Web When you have finished all assignments, you need to go to www.typingweb.com . Use Google Chrome to access the site. Click on “Student Login” at the top of the page. Username: cisd12345 (Student ID#) Password: 12345 (It is actually 12345 – not your Student ID#.) There is never a time that you have NOTHING to do in here.