Study for Final on June 2nd. Monday, May 06, 2019 Objective: YWBAT review for your final. Drill: A new shopping mall is being built near a stream, how will the shopping mall affect runoff into and erosion of the stream? What could be done to mitigate this effect? Homework Study for Final on June 2nd.
Answer Increased runoff from the development will increase the erosion of the stream banks. Building wetlands could collect the increased runoff.
Did you know…? Biofuels are designed to replace gasoline, diesel fuel and coal, which are called “fossil fuels” because they are made from animals and plants that died millions of years ago. Biofuels are made mostly from plants that have just been harvested.
Today’s Activities Drill Final review – Part 2 Conclusion
How can you separate a mixture of salt water? Closure How can you separate a mixture of salt water?
Evaporation or boiling. Conclusion Answer Evaporation or boiling.