Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 10 – Modern Governments for profit
Law of the Land vs. Maritime Law Human beings Derived by usage, customs and traditions. Maritime Law Legal entities: Persons, companies, corporations. Different rules inferior to Law of the Land dealing with trade for profit.
Modern governments are for profit corporations
Modern governments are for profit corporations
Modern governments are for profit corporations
Modern governments are for profit corporations
Modern governments are for profit corporations AU$ 19,721 million net worth at 30 June 2009 Down by AU$ 55,444 million since 30 June 2008
Modern governments are for profit corporations In the US look up CAFR for cities, states, counties, public pensions etc..... – Consolidated financial reports. Youtube Website UK look up your councils, cities etc. financial reports ......
Modern governments are for profit corporations So who owns these???? That’s is where the information is scarce.... But a lot of researchers have similar conclusions which make sense but I have yet to find the legislation for.... Conspiracy theories say anything you register is collateral to the private bankers who have “bailed out” all countries except those still on the US hit list from the 70’s – Syria, Iran, N Korea and looks like Russia! Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Libya done and currently Syria is a WIP!
Who owns the governments? PERSON. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the right to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. People v. R. Co., 134 N.Y. 506, 31 N.E. 873.... Term may include artificial beings, as corporations, 1 Bla.Com. 123; CITIZEN. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas,) possessing all the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding duties.
Who should owns the governments? It certainly looks like the conspiracy theorists are right as it would appear the Law of the Land has been usurped by Maritime Law as everything deals with “PERSONS” and humans are merely “CITIZENS”!
Who should owns the governments? One minor change would change the world! The shareholders change from those that have current “legal” ownership to each living human being having an equal share, as we have equal authority from the creator and no one can prove otherwise! Those that have benefitted through the law of conquest and the use of violence up to now will have to work like the rest of humanity ending the slavery of the last few thousand years!!!
All humans have equal authority The true pyramid of power starts with me! Creation Laws of Creation All humans have equal authority Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy