cNPM pre-CDR Concluding Remarks Cyrille Thomas cNPM System Lead – Beam Instrumentation ESS 2 May, 2019
Project Status Oct 2017 Nov 2018 Dec 2020? PDR Details design CDR Production Installation Commissioning PDR Concept well defined, but technologies for signal readout undecided among at least 3 possible choices Details design Testing and demonstrating design of HV cage reaching high field strength: 30kV possible, but 60kV challenging Testing and comparing the 2 selected readout technologies: MCP + Metallic strips MCP + camera Tests not complete: delays in deliveries, delivered broken MCP, test beam not fully controlled and more experimental than user facility More time with beam to complete the tests in September Intermediate results demonstrated both technologies applicable to ESS Project in time with the ESS Project
Perspective and Developments Hardware: MCP behaviour: results showed trustable measurement, but limitation of the control system leaves uncertainty Proposal of an assembly permitting maintenance without fully opening the LWU Camera: most integration aspect under control, signal processing and delivery fairly straightforward, but issues with radiation environment. Transport of the image to shielded environment not demonstrated yet Strips: Fairly robust, signal trustable, but signal processing and integration not trivial, and yet to be done. MCP in situ calibration not demonstrated yet. Issue to find the deep UV source HV cage: demonstration to reach 30kV and above in either polarisations
Perspective and Developments Control Software: Camera: choice of GiGE camera and AreaDetector for control, but can benefit from development from IMG for processing images HV: ISEG PSU already in EPICS in use for FC, EMU; ioc and control system to be developed for cNPM Strips: Electronics not in EPICS; it implies development of EPICS control for the SYROCO AMC card and CARAMEL and CARAS daughter cards
2D vs. 1D 2D: measurement of angle and divergence IPHI beam IPM / Hamamatsu MCP / standard low performance GiGE camera
2D vs. 1D 2D: Pros Cons 1D: Pros Cons Measurement of beam profile and size demonstrated Measurement and processing straightforward, profile from image processing from AreaDetector plugin Information on angle and divergence can be obtained with new developed plugin 14Hz acquisition demonstrated Signal from beam loss leaves clear signature that can be taken out Cons Camera should be located in shielded area Lifetime of scintillator Lifetime of MCP 1D: Pros Measurement of profile and size demonstrated Lifetime of strips Signal processing robust 14Hz acquisition demonstrated although not direct triggering Cons Lifetime of MCP Less intuitive than images Particle loss in detector may be difficult to identify and remove Location of acquisition card may be an issue (short distance and shielded)
Discussion Topics HV intensity and polarisation and impact on the beam Model of the Halo at ESS and beam loss on the IPMs Bonus from 2D instrument EPICS integration and control Installation process and particles free device Mechanical assembly proposal for MCP maintenance Installation Plan