Things People Do Wrong in Presentations and Speeches Lecture 5
For Each Bad Thing First I will provide an example then: A=Why it’s bad B=How to stop it
Lack of Transitions A) Makes presentation harder to follow. B) Have Transitional words and sentences between parts
Spitting A) Nobody likes to be spit on. B) Be sure that you are not doing it
Going on “Tangents” A) You may not have time to talk about what’s important B) Stick to your points
Just Reading the PPT A) Is Boring -is inefficient B)Use Power Point for outlines not details -write only simple phrases
Making the Audience Uncomfortable A) It is difficult to learn when uncomfortable B)Be relaxed yourself -don’t do anything that would distract the audience from learning
Boring the Audience A) They will not learn as much B) Change your voice -change your content - be sure they can follow you -don’t seem bored yourself
Offending the audience A) It is difficult to learn when angry -they may disrupt your presentation -it is almost never necessary B) Be polite -avoid “hot” topics if possible
Focusing on nervousness It will make you more nervous -A little nervous energy is good B) -Be well prepared. -Don’t think about being nervous -Just do it -stretch and breathe deeply
Expecting things to go as planned A) You will not be ready when things don’t work B) Have a backup plan. - Arrive early
Speaking Softly No one will hear you, respect you or remember you. -Speaking clearly and loudly makes your speech much more interesting. Use your nervous energy to speak louder -practice your speaking voice -use your diaphragm (隔膜)
Not connecting with your audience A) They will be less interested, and thus learn less B) Eye contact
Using too much logic or too much emotion A) People become convinced and interested in different ways. B) Use both kinds of arguments
Using words where visuals are better A) Sometimes pictures can be easier to understand. -“A picture is worth a thousand words.” B) Use pictures and other visuals where possible
For Questions: Pretending you know the answer when you don’t A) It can hurt your credibility -this is hurtful to the audience B) Consider asking others in the audience for their opinions -tell them you will try to tell them later
Looking down and not at the audience A) less interesting -less credibility B) Only bring one note card for notes -more your eyes around a lot
Putting your main point at the end You may waste the time of those that do not need to hear your presentation and make your point less powerful and less clear B) Put it in the beginning.
Using weak supporting information May not convince the audience. Think about how convincing your information is. Is their anything that should be added or changed?
Using Incorrect English Hurts credibility -can make speech hard to understand B) Take your time and speak correctly well practicing
The basics…. If you want your speech to influence your audience: Always be clear and organized. -planning -speaking The audience should always know where you want them. Think about their possible questions and answer them in your speech.