The Road to Lexington and Concord Attacks on Rights and Liberties – page 170
1. What did the British call the Intolerable Acts? The Coercive Acts
2. As part of the Intolerable Acts, where do you think British officials and officers accused of crimes in the colonies would have their trials? They would be tried in England, not by the colonists
3. As part of the Intolerable Acts, where could British officers house troops (Quartering Acts)? In private dwellings (the colonists’ homes)
4. Who did Parliament appoint as Governor of Massachusetts? General Thomas Gage, the leader of the Redcoats!
5. What did the Committees of Correspondence of Boston call for? A meeting of colonial delegates to discuss what to do next
6. When did the First Continental Congress meet? September, 1774
7. Where did the First Continental Congress meet? Philadelphia, Carpenter’s Hall
8. Which colony did not join the First Continental Congress? Georgia, although it agreed to be a part of any actions
9. What two things did members of the First Continental Congress call on colonists to do? Ban all trade with Great Britain (boycott) Begin training troops (militia)
10. Patrick Henry delivered his most famous speech to the House of Burgesses in Virginia. What did he say? “Give me liberty or give me death!”
A British cartoon poking fun at ladies from South Carolina who are arranging a boycott of British Tea: Notice how they have got even with the Americans over that whole “dog peeing on the Prime Minister” affair in the Stamp Act Funeral cartoon. Can’t we all just get along??????