The Riggins Report What we’re learning: Notes: Teacher’s Notes: Classroom News for the week of March 25-29, 2019 What we’re learning: Notes: Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break! The weeks are flying by and it’s going to be fast and furious from now until May! Here’s a look at what we’ll be doing this week: Word Study: We will be working on words with –y endings such as grassy, frosty, hairy, etc. Reading: We will be beginning a new unit this week. We will be focusing on fables and learning how to identify the moral or lesson from the story. Math: We will be continuing on with our graphing unit. This week we will be learning all about line plots. Science: We will begin a new unit about habitats. Our focus this week will be learning about the various biomes. Thank you to Amelia’s grandma, Mrs. Shimmick, for reading to our class a couple weeks ago! She even sang a song with them! It was awesome! Also, a huge thank you to the Fondriest family for adopting our class for the month of March! Teacher’s Notes: If you need to contact me: Email- Or message me on Classroom Dojo Upcoming Events: Cool Cactus Kid of the week: 1st grade music program- March 28th Spring Pictures- March 29th Our Cool Cactus Kid of the week is… Sofia Groves! Sofia always does a wonderful job in class! She is always eager to learn new things and she is a great example for her classmates. Way to go, Sofia!