Tips, Tricks and Add-Ons Ashley Hays Introduction (1 minute)
Agenda Tips to easily navigate through Google Drive Shortcut Keys Working together with Gmail and Drive Attachments directly through Drive Tricks for Creating Explore Add-Ons for Docs and Sheets
Learning Objectives Efficiently Navigate through Google Drive Use Gmail with Google Drive to share and collaborate more quickly Create new things! Install add-ons that save you time and frustration!
Quick Tips for Google Drive Discuss the Google Drive (1 Min)
See Your Recent Drive History Click the “i” to the far right of the Drive to see recent history within the drive. “i” reference for overall drive activity monitoring. Great for monitoring student use of drive too! (3 min)
A Shortcut for your Shortcuts Press “Shift” +“?” to see the shortcut menu for all of Drive! Discuss shortcut keys, knowing shortcut keys and keyboard commands is a real time saver! (2min)
Restore a Deleted File or Folder Drive has its own Trash You can delete a file, and restore it from the trash UNLESS you have taken out the trash. Only then is the file permanently deleted. Good to know how to retrieve documents, and permanently delete files from drive (3 min)
Create a PDF of a Document Open/create the document as normal File, Download as, PDF You will also see other options in this “download as” menu
Gmail and Drive Gmail and Drive can work together to simplify emailing and storage options! Email and store larger files with fewer clicks! DIscuss the ways that gmail and drive work together and communicate with one another to simplify communications. (5min)
Attachment Options in Gmail Utilizing the attachment options in Gmail can enhance appearance and speed communications Formatting Options Regular Attachments Attach Directly From Drive Insert Picture From Drive Insert Direct link Calendar Invite Navigate into Gmail, show the different attachment options and shortcut keys. (listed above) Note that The DIrect link option is great for sharing files with a link. (10 min)
Insert/Save Directly with Drive Attach up to 10GB to emails Save files from emails directly to drive. Hover over and tap Larger attaching capabilities when you use drive directly.(2 min)
Search Gmail and Docs Together Start with your Gmail Go to the Gear Choose Settings Go to Labs Enable Apps Search When you search Gmail, any relevant Docs or Sites results will also appear under the mail results. Search Docs and Mail by enabling the Apps Feature. Navigate in and walk through this. Note that you can disable at any time if you do not prefer this feature. (5min)
Tricks For Creating Intro Tips for Creating (2 min)
Define and Research Search for Images, quotes and the web without opening a new tab! Drag and Drop images and videos Cite and insert quotes and research Navigate into Docs (or Slides) and show the research/Define features (7min)
Masking Images Use the Crop/Mask feature to create appealing shapes and alter the look of images Show the new Mask features for cropping images into shapes (3 min)
Install Add-Ons Both Docs and Sheets offer a variety of add-on options to increase creativity! Discuss add-ons and how they are helpful (1 min)
Mindmeister - mind mapping Easy Bib - create bibliographies Add-Ons for Docs Lucid Chart - diagrams Mindmeister - mind mapping Easy Bib - create bibliographies Openclipart - free clip art Show different add-ons (5 min)
Flubaroo, Doctapus, WorkFlows, g(Math), Schedule Generator Add-Ons for Sheets Flubaroo, Doctapus, WorkFlows, g(Math), Schedule Generator Add-ons for Sheets (5 min)
Download a Copy of Your Data Visit Google Takeout and select Create an Archive to quickly save a copy of your data.
Get Stuff Done Offline! By following simple instructions to set up your device and using the Google Chrome Browser, you can work offline too! Leave with this tip! How to work Offline! Show 1 minute video before they leave! :)
Your Feedback is Appreciated Please Complete this EVALUATION Tips, Tricks and Add-Ons Ashley Hays Almond Acres Charter Academy
Tips, Tricks and Add-Ons Ashley Hays