TPRS is the way to practice advanced grammatical structures.
Advanced Grammar Although we limit vocabulary, we don’t limit structures. In fact, we always try to include as many advanced structures as possible. Be sure the sentences are always translated word for word and the way we would say it in English. Give lots of practice in the structure. Practice means days, weeks, months and years. It does not mean practicing the structure for just one lesson.
Examples of Advanced Grammar The girl would have liked to have seen Brad Pitt. Would the girl have liked to have seen Brad? Yes. Why would she have liked to have seen him? Because he’s famous – it’s obvious! Did the girl see Brad? No. Why did the girl not see Brad? Because the girl went to the movies instead. She saw a wonderful movie that she really liked. But even though she liked the movie she still would have liked to have seen Brad.
Circling Advanced Structures Generally circling is only used to make turn slow processors into fast processors. Circling is also used to practice advanced structures where the vocabulary is easy. We do this so students can hear the structure over and over. The structure will not be internalized in a lesson. It’s going to take some time.
Circling Spanish Past Subjuntive John wanted her to go to Spain. John’s father didn’t want her to go to Spain. He wanted her to go to Hong Kong. Practice circling these structures. Here you actually have 3 statements. You can easily go back and for between the 3 statements.