El arte y la músicaGramática 2 More on subjunctive for hopes and wishes Preview More on subjunctive for hopes and wishes
El arte y la músicaGramática 2 More on subjunctive for hopes and wishes You know that the subjunctive is used in sentences that express a wish, suggestion, or recommendation for another person or group of people. Other expressions used with the subjunctive are: Propongo que hagamos las dos cosas. I propose we do both things. Nos dicen que compremos los boletos. Theyre telling us to buy the tickets.
El arte y la músicaGramática 2 More on subjunctive for hopes and wishes You know that the subjunctive is used in sentences that express a wish, suggestion, or recommendation for another person or group of people. Other expressions used with the subjunctive are: Necesito que me ayudes. I need you to help me. Hace falta que practiques más. You have to practice more.