Starter: Which photo has the biggest effect on you and why do you think this? Share your answers with the person next to you.
‘War photographer’ by Carol Duffy Learning Outcomes: All will be able to show that you understand the text and its meaning to you as a reader. Most will be able to analyse the language, imagery, and structure used by the writer using subject terminology and references (including quotations). Some will be able to compare ‘War Photographer’ with ‘Remains’.
Key Words Structure Rhyme Scheme Assonance Imagery
1. Highlight words in the poem which create the biggest effect (emotive impact) on you, the reader. 2. Analyse the language that the poet uses to convey the protagonist’s struggle/conflict. 3. Explore the structure/form of the poem and comment on how it links with the ideas in the poem. 4. How could the reader interpret the last two verses of the poem, ‘From the aeroplane he stares impassively at where he earns his living and they do not care.’? 5. What are the photographer’s feelings about war? Quote to support.
What are the photographer’s feelings about war? Extension: How does the poet convey her feelings about war? Most could: Write a response to ‘War Photographer’, using MISSILE. Some could compare ‘War Photographer’ with ‘Remains’.
Writing a Response MISSILE WHAT THIS MEANS KEY WORDS/PHRASES MEANING Talk about the main themes and ideas in the poem This could mean … One interpretation … We can infer… IMAGERY The key images in the poem Simile, metaphor, personification, senses SOUND The techniques the writer uses to allow us to hear the poem Alliteration, onomatopoeia, plosives, assonance, sibilance STRUCTURE How the poem is put together Title, start, ending, enjambment, layout, rhyme scheme, listing, triplets INFLUENCES ON THE WRITER When and where it was written. What key conflicts were happening at the time LANGUAGE The language the writer has used to create specific effects key words, semantic field, contrasts, EVALUATE READERS’ RESPONSE Judging how a reader might respond to the poem (now and when it was written). Do we learn anything? We might infer… A reader may feel… In response to this … We may judge that …
Plenary Extension: How does the poet convey her feelings about war? What are the photographer’s feelings about war? Plenary