Healthy. Safe. Strong. DM#152300 DRAFT 5/5/2019
All Resources and Efforts Focus On Achieving The Target Born healthy Safe from neglect and abuse Ready for kindergarten Have access to quality afterschool and summer programs
Building an Early Childhood System of Care Education and Outreach Healthy Beginnings Quality Child Care: Early Education Afterschool Bridges Professional Development Program & System Performance Data Systems
Quality Counts 1999 -2002 – 6 Pilot sites 2003 - Launched the 4 star Quality Rating System (QRS), 40 sites 2005 - renamed Quality Improvement System (QIS) 2006 - Palm Beach County and 11 other counties in Florida, formed the Multi-County Collaborative to align the standards in Florida 2009-2010 - renamed Quality Counts (tri-county; Palm Beach County, Miami-Dade County, and Broward County.) Transitioned to a 5 Star System 2011 to Present – Development of new system Quality Counts has 207 sites serving approximately 11,000 children
Why a New System? New evidence & research Focus on child outcomes Return on investment (ROI) Feedback from national experts Feedback from stakeholders Most intentional high quality providers Streamline Procedures & Process
Theory of Change We assume if appropriate supports and resources are utilized, providers who have the intention and motivation to achieve high quality standards are capable of offering quality environments to children. Motivation and change theory for organizations suggests those who acknowledge the need to change, and are motivated to change, will be more likely to succeed and benefit from the support and resources provided (Owens & Valesky, 2010; Senge, 2006; Berkley, 2004). As pointed out by Zaslow et al. (2010), certain thresholds of early care and education quality need to be met before more positive outcomes for children are seen, which is why we need to set a relatively higher-quality standard for the participating childcare providers.
Children are Ready for Kindergarten Theory of Change Improving Child Learning and Development Children are Ready for Kindergarten Improving Child Care Providers’ Learning Environment Improving Child Care Practitioners’ Quality and Practice Improving Family Supports and Parent Involvement Support Child Care Providers Support Child Care Practitioners Support Children and Families We assume if appropriate supports and resources are utilized, providers who have the intention and motivation to achieve high quality standards are capable of offering quality environments to children. Motivation and change theory for organizations suggests those who acknowledge the need to change, and are motivated to change, will be more likely to succeed and benefit from the support and resources provided (Owens & Valesky, 2010; Senge, 2006; Berkley, 2004). As pointed out by Zaslow et al. (2010), certain thresholds of early care and education quality need to be met before more positive outcomes for children are seen, which is why we need to set a relatively higher-quality standard for the participating childcare providers.
Timeline 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 Due Diligence National experts recommendations based on review Exploration Professional Development redesign Planning Data Analysis Gold Pilot Class Pilot Coaching to Technical Assistance model Framework design of new system Provider interviews Incorporate Continuous Quality Improvement philosophy Development of new data systems Sunsetting Quality Counts (December 31, 2014) Rebranding Launch new system (January 1, 2015) Launch new data systems Piloting Incredible Years Parenting (infant/toddler) Full implementation Literacy Initiative Resource development initiative (out-of-system) Incredible Years Series Accreditation Support (out-of-system)
Vision, Mission, & Goals Vision: Children will have quality early educational experiences that will increase their chances of achieving school success and becoming productive members of society Mission: To use research and data to increase the quality of early care and education programs through integrated supports and resources offered to the early learning community, children and their families. Goals: Children are ready for school To improve children’s learning and development To improve teacher-child interactions To improve parent engagement
Guiding Principles We We Believe Are solution focused In access to quality child care for all children Are accountable for child outcomes In maximizing resources to get the best outcomes for children Are research & data driven In community partnerships Are advocates for children and families In program leadership as the driving force of change Are strength-based In continuous quality improvement (through assessment, professional development, Evaluation) Are culturally competent and value diversity A well trained & educated work force will lead toward child outcomes Are invested in technology and resources Children thrive when engaged in positive relationships with peers, adults, and families Are motivated and intentional Quality child care will help close the achievement gap for at risk children
Vision For a Coordinated Approach Children’s Services Council Primary prevention and early intervention Targeting the earliest developmental stages Theoretical integrity Minimal sufficiency Data driven and evidence-based Continuous learning and improvement High return on investment System Network Quality Supports and /services Responsive Customer Service Culturally Competent Data Driven and evidence based decisions Leadership Families Actively participate in the learning process by supporting children in learning and development Ensure children attend Ensure children are prepared to engage and participate Advocate for continuous quality improvement Partner with local networks to enroll children in the highest quality providers Providers Meet expectations for child outcomes and professional improvement Support teachers and staff Measure progress through regular observations, ERS, Pre-k CLASS, and Teaching Strategies GOLD Ensure families have information to make high quality choices and partnership opportunities Children are Ready for Kindergarten Adapted from the Louisiana We Believe, 2014
Pipeline To Quality Emerging Initiative targeted at increasing quality child care in identified areas of need Promising Targeted supports provided for a limited time to assist child care providers move to in-network status In-Network Full Access to System Resources
System Elements for In-Network Status Pre-Entry/Eligibility/Annual Requirements Professional Development Salary Supplements Scholarships Career Advising Formal & Informal Training Targeted Technical Assistance Teaching Strategies Gold Infant/Toddler Observation & Assessment/ Curriculum Planning & Instruction CLASS Behavior Management/Special Needs Accreditation Facilitation Support Valid and Reliable Assessments Environment Rating Scale(Infant/Toddler & Family Child Care) Pre-K CLASS Navigation Support Child/Family Supports Healthy Beginnings CSC Scholarships Bridges Tiered Reimbursement Supplement So what will the system look like? Based on the recommendations and input we received we will have a small set of powerful requirements and measures. These will be tied to both environment quality, adult –child relationships and instructional practices. Through our funding to the School District, Early learning Coalition, Family Central, Palm Beach State College and the Children’s Forum an array of supports and resources are offered to the child care providers who meet the new eligibility requirements to continue to enhance the quality of environments, instructional practices and child care staff education so children can enter school ready. One of the many factors in determining the quality of care is staffing. Staff training and experience are major contributors to a child’s success, as does consistency of care. Young children form bonds with child care providers, and it is within these relationships that social, emotional, and cognitive development occurs. Over the years we have developed a very robust quality professional development system providing both formal and informal coursework for child care staff. Through our funding, the institute of excellence at PBSC provides resources and training to child care staff and directors. We are also fortunate in our community to have a Bachelors in Early Care and Education program (BECE) thorough FAU and we recently have begun a relationship with FIU who will be providing an online BA program in ECE as well. Because of the very low wages and lack of and benefits the national average for staff turnover in the child care industry is between 30-40%. To try combat the constant turnover we will be providing a wages supplement to those child care staff who are employed for a minimum of one year at facilities participating in our Quality Child Care system and continue their education. This resource has reduced the turnover rate for those staff participating between 6 and 9% The strategies and resources provided will include assessing adult-child interactions (CLASS) and measuring child outcomes using an appropriate formative child level assessment (GOLD). These tools will assist in guiding effective instructional classroom practices and the continued development of professional development opportunities for child care staff.
In-Network Status Pre-Entry Requirements School Readiness Agreement is active Head Start Agreement is active (if applicable) In good standing with: -School Readiness -VPK -Child Care Licensing -Early Head Start/Head Start (EHS/HS) *In good standing is defined as no compliance plan/assurance plan within the last 12 months. 100% of all staff are members of the Registry Meet CSC Child Safety Licensing Policy (CSLP) Zero (0) class 1 violations within the last 12 months No more than two (2) class 2 violations within the last 12 months Accredited within 3 years of membership (Gold Seal) *Agreement to use Teaching Strategies GOLD *Those programs using another formative assessment will reviewed on a case by case basis Make sure to add definition of “in good standing”
In-Network Eligibility Requirements Minimum Pre-K CLASS assessment Domain Scores of: 5.0 Emotional Support 4.0 Classrooms Organization 1.5 Instructional Support Avg. Score of 4.0 on identified items of ITERS Randomized assessments conducted every other year 50% of the classrooms will be assessed
ERS Identified Items (17) Expert Combined ITERS-R Items (17) SUBSCALE Indoor Space Space & Furnishing Furniture for routine care and play Provision for relaxation and comfort Room Arrangement Display for Children Helping Children understand Language Listening & Talking Helping children use language Using Books Fine Motor Activities Promoting acceptance of Diversity Supervision of Play and Learning Interaction Peer Interaction Staff-Child Interaction Discipline Schedule Program Structure Free Play *Provisions for children with disabilities
In-Network Annual Renewal Requirements Pre-Entry Requirements plus (+) 75% of all children enrolled are assessed using Gold 100% of all eligible children are to screened using the ASQ Publicly funded Avg. Score of 4.0 on identified items of ITERS Minimum Pre-K CLASS assessment Domain Scores of: 5.0 Emotional Support 4.0 Classrooms Organization 1.5 Instructional Support 10% increase from prior assessment *ERS & CLASS Assessments will be conducted every other year
In-Network Professional Development Career Advising Education & Training Informal Hybrid Formal CLASS/ERS Training Teaching Strategies GOLD Registry Membership Scholarships (SEEK) Salary Supplements (ACHIEVE) Online/distance/e-learning
In-Network Targeted Technical Assistance Teaching Strategies Gold Infant/Toddler Observation & Assessment/ Curriculum Planning & Instruction CLASS Behavior Management/Special Needs Accreditation Facilitation Support
Valid and Reliable Assessments Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ITERS-R) PRE-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) *Future use of Infant and Toddler CLASS assessment tools Research in early childhood education has shown clear links between the quality of children's instructional and classroom environments and their achievement in terms of developmental outcomes. Toward that end, the planned, systematic use of the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) and the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) has been shown to be an effective model to improve the quality of early childhood classrooms. When classroom quality increases, children show improved outcomes.
Navigation Supports Ongoing navigation supports to include linkages to CSC Early Childhood System of Care: System Supports Out-of-System Supports Child/Family Supports Healthy Beginnings Bridges
Child/Family Supports Healthy Beginnings System Entry Access Child Screening & Assessment Referrals to appropriate services for families CSC Child Care Scholarships Bridges Entry Access Parent/Community Engagement
In-Network Financial Supports Tiered reimbursement supplement based on child full-time enrollment at 3 checkpoints throughout the year *between the learning hours of 6am-6pm Entry 1st week in October 1st week in April Paid monthly
In-Network Tier 1 Score of 4.0 on identified items of ITERS-R (center-based & school-based) Minimum Pre-K CLASS domain scores □ 5.0 Emotional Support □ 4.0 Classroom Organization □ 1.5 Instructional Support 10% increase from previous assessment
In-Network Tier 2 Score of 5.5 on identified items of ITERS-R (center-based & school-based) Minimum Pre-K CLASS domain scores □ 6.5 Emotional Support □ 5.5 Classroom Organization □ 3.0 Instructional Support 10% increase from previous assessment
In-Network Two (2) Tier Reimbursement Supplement Center HPZC=High Poverty Zip Code HPCT=High Poverty Census Tract Tier 1 Tier 2 HPZC/HPCT % Non-HPZC/Non-HPCT # Publicly funded Children enrolled Non-HPZC/HPCT # Non-Publicly funded Children enrolled Based on $28 per child base rate HPZC/HPCT (DM#132706) 33401 33403 33407 33417 33404 33460 33461 33430 33493 33476 33435 33444
System Elements for Emerging and Promising Status Navigation Supports Professional Development Scholarships (SEEK) Career Advising Formal & Informal Training Registry Limited Technical Assistance Literacy Initiative Incredible Years Series Resource development initiative Child/Family Support Adapted from the Louisiana We Believe, 2014
Emerging Status Provider defined as needing additional supports and resources towards increasing the level of quality child care. Participation in this independent initiative (in development) is voluntary and can be accessed through an application. Working towards achieving membership for In-Network System Does not receive tiered reimbursement supplements
How to Become an Emerging Provider Pre-Entry Requirements are not met or All Assessments Scores: □ less than 3.5 average on identified items of the ITERS-R Pre-K CLASS domain scores □ less than 4.5 on Emotional Support □ less than 3.5 on Classroom Organization □ 1.0 on Instructional Support
Promising Status Promising provider is defined as needing Targeted supports for a limited time up to a six (6) month period to assist child care providers move to in-network status Working towards achieving membership for In-Network System Does not receive tiered reimbursement supplements
How to Become a Promising Provider Pre-Entry Requirements met and Assessments Scores: □ fall between 3.5-3.99 average on identified items of the ITERS-R Pre-K CLASS domain scores □ fall between 4.5-4.99 on Emotional Support □ fall between 3.5-3.99 on Classroom Organization □ fall between 1.0-1.49 on Instructional Support
Future Work More online opportunities Video Vignettes Development of an evaluation of the system Incredible Years Series Literacy Initiative Leadership Development Emerging Provider Initiative
Thank you We have come a long way, but have many miles to go. This work is urgent. “A child is becoming today what he will be tomorrow.” -- S. Bruce McDonald, Palm Beach County Leader