AIM OF THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: Lasting and positive changes in living conditions, participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities, with their rights being protected and fulfilled. THE ORGANISATIONS BEHIND THE STRATEGY: The main part of Danish disability organisations are united in Disabled People’s Organsations Denmark. Some of the organisations are engaged in international development cooperation. Most of this cooperation is centered around the Disability Fund. THE STRATEGY: It constitutes the foundation of the international development cooperation. It offers a shared direction and set of values for the international development cooperation. A collective framework. With a call to the Danish disability organisations to report on results. Disabled People’s Organsations Denmark collects, analyses and share the results.
UN Human Rights and particularly the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The UN Sustainable Development Goals – and the promise to leave on one behind. Partnership with organisations of persons with disabilities and close relatives. Promoting sustainable organisations. Contributing with experiences with organising persons with disabilities. Disability-to-disability. Shared ownership to the cooperation and mutual respect for the diversity of organisations. Coordination and cooperation creates better results. Democratic decision-making, opportunities for participation by all and non-discrimination. Openness, transparency and accountability. Documentation and sharing of learning and change.
Strengthened organisational and political capacity in the disability movement in selected countries. Promotion of popular foundation through increased engagement among DPOD’s member organisations in international development cooperation. Inclusion of persons with disabilities in international development aid and in fulfilling the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.