Flipped and Active Learning for Exams Nicola Naisbett
What is it? Initial exposure to content takes place outside of the classroom. Significant proportions of class time are dedicated to applying, discussing and other active learning activities. Educational research consistently suggests that active learning, where students do something with the content, facilitates the learning process.
Mix it up. Don’t just flip.
The potential benefits More engaged students. Students learning at their own pace. More time to address gaps in knowledge and understanding. Increases opportunity to assess progress. Can be easier to offer high challenge and extension. Can be easier to differentiate classroom activities. Interactivity and collaboration The potential benefits
The potential problems. Students can be reluctant. Trusting students to prepare for a lesson. Teacher preparation time. The potential problems.
Stick with it. Persevere.
How have I done it? The Prep Upload presentations - prezi, emaze, google slides, videos and reading. Strategies for note making at home - questions to answer Central Hub http://www.qesfcmediastudies.blo gspot.co.uk/ Google Classroom
TV Drama Unit Watch extracts at home and analyse in class Google classroom - stills analysis Group prezis Practical video activities Storyboarding / screenplay activities Games - charades (micro elements) Differentiated writing in google classroom Have a go Repertoire game- character, representation, micro element
Music Industry Unit Looking over content at home - teacher presentations Creating case studies on majors / indies in class Creating group presentations & presenting Research activities & Jigsaw learning Using google classroom / google docs for assessment
Collective Identity Out of class reading theory / watching videos In class research and creating theory cards Applying theory to film & adverts (group based & individual) Writing activities - reviews, reports Making vlogs Have a go Game - “Who am I”
Online Age Reading content outside of class In class, making copies of teaching prezis and applying examples to theory Researching examples, sharing with the class and applying theory In class group activities (magic paper, prezi, google docs)
Theoretical Evaluation Reading / watching outside of class In class “Go Find” activities In class group activities - magic paper. Applying theory to a text In class peer evaluations Student presentations In class differentiated writing activities Have a go Post-it note game. Define the concept. It’s fun but makes students think.
Skills Development Timeline of skills Making videos Vlogging Writing activities in google classroom
Conclusion This is what a selection of my students have said….. https://vimeo.com/158172661/465adb2f93
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