Acquisitions: Version 18 Upgrade Training
All of the information in this document is the property of Ex Libris Ltd. It may NOT, under any circumstances, be distributed, transmitted, copied, or displayed without the written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. The information contained in this document has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing information for training. The material herein contained has been prepared in good faith; however, Ex Libris disclaims any obligation or warranty as to its accuracy and/or suitability for any usage or purpose other than that for which it is intended. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2006
Goal To demonstrate changes between versions 17 and 18 of the ALEPH Acquisitions application.
Tools ALEPH Acquisitions/Serials Client, version 18 Demo databases: USM01 (bibliographic), USM50 (administrative) PuTTY, free Telnet/SSH client available from Handout: Version 18 Overview of Changes: Acquisitions
Additional Documentation Ex Libris Documentation Center, where the following documentation is found: ALEPH Version 18 Release Notes ALEPH Version 18 User Guide ALEPH Version 18 System Librarian Guide ALEPH Version 18 Configuration Guide ALEPH Version 18 Oracle Tables Documentation available upon request.
Agenda Vendors Orders EDI Invoices Arrivals Claims Services
1. Vendors
1. Vendors New check can done before allowing the deletion of sub-level vendors if tab100 Vendor-Sharing=1 New Mail Attachment field added to vendor form, Administration Tab>[V]endors>Vendor Info. 3
1. Vendors Can place country and postal codes on different lines in vendor form: To enable this, in the ./usm01/form_eng/funcs-address.xsl file (section "vendor-address"), replace the following line: <xsl:call-template name="table-start-row"/><td width="70%"><xsl:value-of select="//z72-vendor-address-occ7"/></td><td></td><xsl:call-template name="table-end-row"/> With the following two lines: <xsl:call-template name="table-start-row"/><td width="70%"><xsl:value-of select="//z72-vendor-address-occ8"/></td><td></td><xsl:call-template name="table-end-row"/> <xsl:call-template name="table-start-row"/><td width="70%"><xsl:value-of select="//z72-vendor-address-occ9"/></td><td></td><xsl:call-template name="table-end-row"/>
2. Orders
New order index added for Additional Order Numbers (AON) 2. Orders Claim Date field added to Serial and Standing orders form, Order List>3. Vendor Form The ISBN/ISSN field can be populated by additional bibliographic fields other than the standard MARC 21 ISBN/ISSN field Tab100, ORDER-ISBN-ISSN-ADD-TAG= New order index added for Additional Order Numbers (AON)
3. EDI
Ex Libris’ Version 18 EDI vendors Blackwell Swets EBSCO Harrassowitz Ingram YBP Jean Touzot Divine/Faxon Baker & Taylor Book house Brockhaus/German Books Casalini Libri Midwest
3. EDI DESADV Message Supported. The DESADV message is sent by the vendor whenever periodical issues are sent physically to the library and it identifies all of the issues delivered. The material type information is now added to EDI ORDERS outgoing messages.
4. Invoices
4. Invoices Bibliographic information added to line-item of invoice, Invoice tab>[L] Line Item>2.Order Info Expected Arrival Date (EDA) is automatically updated for standing orders when the option to check in material while creating the invoice is selected, Order tab>[I] Invoice>New Print button added to General Invoice display, Invoice tab>[G] General Invoice
5. Arrivals
5. Arrivals Two new fields added to arrival form for Serials and Standing Orders, Order tab>[O] Order>[A] Arrival: Expected Date of Arrival Exp. Arrival Date Pop up message alerting item is requested upon arrival is available by configuring acq.ini: [Arrival] ArrivalMessages=Y The arrival slip has been configured to include a message alerting staff that the arrived item is requested, xxx01/form_eng/acq-arrival-slip.trn hold-items TEXT S Y=Arrived_items_are_requested.
6. Claims
6. Claims Two new fields added to claims form for Serials and Standing Orders: Expected Date of Arrival Exp. Arrival Date
7. Services
7. Services: General New service available for transferring orders from one budget to another, Services> Budget Management>Transferring Orders from Budget to Budget (acq-31) Claim Report for Serials Orders (acq-24): The Number of Days from the Last Claim parameter has been removed, Services>Orders & Claims>Claim Report for Serials Orders (acq-24) Claim Report for Standing Orders (acq-11): Claim Date From and Claim Date To have been removed, Services>Orders & Claims>Claim Report for Standing Orders (acq-11)
7. Services: Order Index Rebuild ILL and Acquisitions Order Index (acq-04) has added Status Date to Exclude and Status to Exclude fields, Services>Other>Rebuild ILL and Acquisitions Order Index (acq-04 This service can be used to create an Order Index with the most current and appropriate orders and suppress old or inappropriate orders. Information on orders not included in the Order Index are still available in the order record
7. Services: Restart Server (sys-01) Restart Server (sys-01) can be configured to show a new option for specifying the port to be restarted, Services>General>Restart Server (sys-01) To enable this option, unhide the relevant lines in aleph/pc_b_eng/p-sys-01.xml.