Training Session Notes M7100 Desktop and DDC100 Application User’s Guide for York County, PA Emergency Services Training Session Notes
Prerequisite The student should have attended the training session for M7100 mobile radio users.
M7100 Desk Top Station The Desk Top Station houses a M7100 radio, power supply and interface boards. Station Power Switch (on back) M7100 System Model Radio Remote Control Panel (If Equipped) Power Indicator SYSTEM GROUP SYS GRP OPT STS MSG CLR MENU PHN DIS IND SCAN Desk Top Microphone Microphone Jack Volume Control Speaker
Introducing the DDC100 Digital Desktop Controller for use with the M7100 series Desktop or Wall Mount Stations. Provides complete control of the radio. Up to 25 DDC100 controllers may be connected Maximum distance between any controller and the radio is 2000 feet. Conventional, EDACS, and P25 operation
Block Diagram of DDC100 System DDC100 Desktop Controller permits extending the operation and control of the mobile radio mounted in the desktop or wall-mount. DDC100s behave as a separate control unit of the radio. The radio is configured as dual control.
Control Station The DDC100 is used to remotely control the mobile radio in a control station configuration. The control station may be a Desktop or Wall Mount configuration. Desktop station can be controlled locally or remotely. For remote control with the DDC100 the radio is configured for dual control. Position the Intercom switch to normal. Ignore the operation of the switch when using DDC100s. Wall mounted metal cabinet containing the mobile radio. No user interface at the wall mount station.
Dual Control Operation 12:31 If the Desktop station control unit has control of the radio, *DUAL* will be shown on Line 1 of the display of all DDC100s. To take control, press and release a PTT key on any DDC100. The radio control unit will then display *DUAL* and the DDC100s will display the selected system and group.
DDC100 Advantages Extended local controller for Desktop Station. When system signal cannot reach operator Vaults, sub-basements, large office buildings Allows multiple operators to use the same Desktop Station. Easy, occasional access to radio Reduced overall cost Simple Desktop interface Small footprint Telephone-like unit Easy to use
Key Features Features All Radio front panel controls and indicators duplicated on Desktop Controller Full range of features of the Radio available to operator Direct LID / GID input LCD shows same information as radio’s Fully programmable keypad (Maintenance) All radio progress tones passed to DDC100 Controllers Easy transition from radio to Desktop SYSTEM GROUP 12:31
Special Features DDC100 special features provide enhancements to communications between the remote controllers. Intercom: Allows Remote Controllers connected to the same Desktop Station to talk to each other (not to Desktop Station Control Unit). Intercom LED will flash. Will time out after 30 seconds if no key is pressed. Mute: Will mute local receive audio. Privacy: Allows operator at a DDC100 Remote Controller to talk on radio without other operators hearing. Will time out after 60 seconds if no key is pressed. Supervisor: Immune from effects of Privacy, can interrupt other users while they are transmitting by pressing Privacy key (Privacy mode will not time out) Supervisor Takeover: Privacy mode will generate an output signal (pull to ground) that can trigger an external relay to physically disconnect all “downstream” Desktop Controllers Parallel Muting: A Remote Controller will automatically mute when another is transmitting
Panel Controls Display and Volume Control Speaker SYSTEM GROUP 12:31 Display and Volume Control Speaker Controls and Indicators common to Scan and System Radios Special Feature Controls Transmit / PTT Handset with PTT Microphones Radio Sixteen Key Controls
Display Clock LINE 1: Current System Name (SYSTEM) Volume Level (VOL = 10) Caller Identification (GR 1234) Call Queued (QUEUED) ‘Who Has Called’ (* WHC *) LINE 2: Current group/channel Name (GROUP) System Busy (SYS BUSY) Call Denied (DENIED) Individual Call (*INDV*) Control Channel Scan (CC SCAN) Receive Emergency (*RXEMER*) Transmit Emergency (*TXEMER*) SYSTEM GROUP 12:31 Clock Far Right of Line2 Common clock for all DDC100s
Red LED indicates scanning Common Controls These indicators and controls represent the ones common between the Scan and System radio control units except for the “IN USE.” Radio Transmit Radio Busy Group and Menu Up/Down* In Use (By another DDC100) SCAN Enable Red LED indicates scanning System Up/Down SCAN Add + and Delete - * Standard configuration for the radio control unit is the SYSTEM Ramp and MENU Ramp are the same key.
16 System Control Keys Sixteen keys to control radio and enter numbers. First press of the key is the function on the right of the key label. Second press of a key is the number. Example : To directly go to Group 12 – Press 2 GRP, 1 SYS, 2 GRP, MENU (Enter). Keys may be programmed with special functions – Alarms, Macros, etc. Red LED indicates the first press function is active.
Special DDC100 Feature Keys These keys control the special features of the DDC100. ICOM allows intercom between parallel DDC100s without keying the radio. MUTE will mute the local receive audio – not the other DDC100s. PRVCY allows this DDC100 to communicate to a user with the radio without other DDC100s hearing either side of the communication.
Transmit Keys Transmit Key Pressing any Transmit key will key the radio or DDC100. Two Transmit keys are momentary. Press to Talk – Release to listen. Pressing TX key on the front panel enables the front panel microphone located on the front below the TX key. Radio will not key if the ICOM key is enabled. Foot switch or external PTT (Push To Talk) is available.
* Remove handset from cradle and key its PTT to use the handset. Place a Group Call Select the desired talk-group using the GROUP Up or Down key. Group name will appear on Line 2 of the display. PTT* TX LED will flash while radio is waiting for a channel; will come on steady (and talk beep is sounded) when ready to talk. 2 SYSTEM GROUP 12:31 4 1 3 * Remove handset from cradle and key its PTT to use the handset.
Receive A Call Another radio initiates a group call. The LID of the radio that is transmitting will appear on the Line 1 of the display. Busy LED will light if radio is detecting carrier on selected channel or group. Listen at local speaker or remove the handset to listen with handset. Local speaker will mute. PTT to respond. 1 GR 11075 GROUP 12:31 2 3
Changing Systems and Groups Pressing the “ SYS” key will scroll the top line of the display though the possible radio systems. Pressing the system “” key will scroll the top line of the display though the possible radio systems. Pressing the “ GRP” key will scroll the bottom line of the display though the possible radio groups or channels within the current system. Pressing the group “” key will scroll the bottom line of the display though the possible radio groups or channels within the current system.
Declaring an Emergency SYSTEM *TXEMER* 12:31 Emergency will be declared on the selected group or on a predetermined system and group. Press and hold EMERGENCY key for the preprogrammed time ___. Wait until *TXEMER* appears in display; *TXEMER* will flash, alternating with the selected group. PTT and Talk. 1
Sending an Individual Call Press the IND (individual) key. Use the keypad to manually dial the Radio ID or: Use the Far Right scroll keys to select a preprogrammed radio unit. Radio’s ID appears in Line 2 of display. PTT to initiate the call. 4 SEL INDV 1234 12:31 3 2 5 1 Note: While in individual call mode, all group calls are missed.
Receiving an Individual Call When receiving an Individual Call: Line 2 shows *INDV*. Line 1 of the display shows the LID of the caller. To answer: PTT and talk. There is only one LID for all DDC100s connected to the radio. If the call is not answered within about 10 seconds, there will be an audible ringing tone heard and it will not reset until answered. 2 1 1234 *INDV* 12:31 3 Note: While in individual call mode, all group calls are missed.
A Missed Individual Call 1 If an Individual Call is not answered: Line 1 will display * WHC * and the DDC100 will begin to ring. To stop the ringing, press the CLR button. Stops ringing on all parallel DDC100s. Alternate to pressing CLR is to remove the handset and replace. * WHC * GROUP 12:31 3 2
Returning an Individual Call Returning an unanswered Individual Call. Press the IND key. Line 2 shows a WHCI list entry number. Line 1 shows the LID of the unit that sent the message. Use the Far Right scroll keys to select another LID if necessary. PTT to return the call. 3 2 1234 WHCI = 1 12:31 4 5 5 1 Note: The LIDs for the last ten individual calls received are stored in the WHCI list.
Adding Groups to a Scan List User entered Scan list only: Press the GROUP Up or Down key to select the group you wish to scan. Press the SCAN Add (+) key to add the group to the Scan List. S will appear in Line 1 of the display indicating the addition of the group to the Scan List. Press the SCAN Add (+) key again to put the group in priority scan modes 2 or 1. 3 -4 S GROUP 12:31 2 1
Scanning Points to remember when scanning. The is only one scan list for all parallel DDC100s. Make a change on any DDC100 affects all remotes as well as the radio. Great for a single DDC100, but can be a nuisance for parallel DDC100s. Three levels of scanning S – lowest or no priority 2 – Second priority 1 – Highest priority See radio operator’s manual for complete description of scanning.
Turning SCAN On/Off Press SCAN to turn on the scan function; all groups in the scan list will be scanned. The SCAN key LED indicates scan is on. Press SCAN again to turn off the scan function (light off). SYSTEM GROUP 12:31
Scan List To scan, you must have a Scan List. The scan list may be fixed, limited or user entered. To edit your Scan List, you must have scan turned off and the radio must be configured for user entered scan list. SYSTEM GROUP 12:31
Establishing or Modifying a Scan List User entered scan list only: Make sure Scan is turned OFF. Select the group you wish to scan. Press scan ramp up (+) to add the group to the scan list S,1, or 2 will appear based on user’s desired priority level. Press scan ramp down (-) to decrease delete the group from the Scan List. 4 S GROUP 12:31 3, 5 2 1
Nuisance Deleting from a Scan List User entered or limited scan list only: When a call is being heard in while in scan mode and the call is not the selected or priority 1 group and you wish to remove the group from the scan list. Press the SCAN Delete (-) key once to show the priority level. Press the button down again to delete the group from the Scan List. The group or channel will return to the scan list when the radio is powered off and back on. SYSTEM GROUP 12:31 2 1
Intercom Operation Intercom operation is between parallel DDC100s and not the control station. Press the ICOM key to initiate or respond to an intercom call. ICOM key LEDs on all parallel DDC100s light indicating that intercom is active. PTT and Talk. Press the ICOM key to release the intercom connection. If no key is pressed (on any DDC100) for 30 seconds, Intercom mode will time out, and the system will return to normal operation SYSTEM GROUP 12:31 Intercom mode allows users at various Desktop Controllers to talk to one another without keying the radio and tying up a channel. To enter Intercom mode, press the Intercom key, and the Intercom LEDs on all the Desktop Controllers will flash. To talk to someone at another Desktop Controller, press and hold the TX key while speaking into the front panel microphone. You may also remove the handset from the cradle and hold down the PTT bar while speaking into the handset mouthpiece. While any Desktop Controller is broadcasting audio, the Intercom LEDs on all the Desktop Controllers will turn on steady. Release the TX key or the PTT bar to listen for a response. To exit Intercom mode, press the Intercom key on any Desktop Controller and the Intercom LEDs will all turn off. As long as the Intercom LED is flashing, the system is in Intercom mode and pressing the TX key or the PTT bar will not key the radio, but will only transmit to the other Desktop Controllers on the system. If no key is pressed (on any Desktop Controller) for 30 seconds, Intercom mode will time out, and the system will return to normal operation. Intercom mode may also be disabled through system programming.
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